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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

It was night and I was still at work, trying to finish a paper work for tomorrow, when I heard a noise. I got out of my desk and walked over to the door, I notice the silhouette of someone and before that person could do me anything I grabbed by the throat and put my hand on the chest so I would be able to kill him or her in case it was needed.

"Hello, Love!" Klaus said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here? I could've killed you..." I said and he gave me a look with a smirk. "So...?"

"I'm here because it almost 10pm, the girls are already asleep and I... Well, people were concerned about you."

"Were you one of those people?" I asked with a smile.

I know he is suppose to be the big bad wolf but it's so cute when he worries about me...

"Maybe." He said while following me to my desk. "Can we now go home?"

"I still have a few things to get done but you don't need to stay. I'll be fine."

"Caroline, you're a vampire, you can compel your boss to give you more time."

"I know all that. But I like to earn my promotion instead of being just given to me. I don't like to use compulsion and mess with other people's head."

"Why? You aren't even doing anything wrong to them."

"I know all that but... I just..."

"It's fine, Love. I understand. I mean, if it was me I would use compulsion but you prefer to work hard and have a honest life. One of the many things I admire about you... Even if it's offer you to go through the easy way, you always choose the complicated path because it's the right one to take." Klaus said and I gave him a smile.

After 15 minutes of changing a few details, I was done and Klaus took me home, where we saw Alaric and Hayley sleeping on the couch with the tv on. I turn it off the tv and then I put a blanket to cover them.

"What a couple..."

"What?" I asked confused with Klaus's comment. "Wait. Do you think...?"

"I don't know, but why wouldn't they?"

"Wow! Alaric and Hayley..."

"Caroline what do you say about watching a movie and try to relax at my place. I wouldn't mind in here but... they would wake up." Klaus said.

"Sure. Why not?" I said and when we got to his place, there was Enzo, Freya, Bonnie, Kol, Stefan, Rebekah, Elena and Elijah watching a movie.

"Hey!" Bonnie and Elena said when saw me and ran to me for a hug.

Klaus and I seat on the couch and started to watch the movie while drinking some bourbon. Then, I don't know how it happened, Klaus gave me a massage that was really relaxing.

"Klaus..." I moaned lowly, and quickly regret it because I didn't want to moan, it kinda of slipped.

"I better go home. I'm tired." I said as an excuse to leave and then I quickly went to my room and tried to forget ow good it was being so close to him and feeling his touch.

Elijah's POV

"We should totally have another game nigh..." Kol said when the movie ended.

"Yes. And like last time you could all be part of it." I said, looking at Elena because it would be a good excuse for seeing her more often.

"Yes! We should do this once a week." Kol said smirking at Bonnie, while she rolled her eyes.

"Over my..." Bonnie was about to say but Elena cut her off.

"We would love to." Elena said with a hand on my arm. "It's a way we can all have some fun and forget about our crazy lives..."

And for some reason my mind quickly ran to the moment where she stripped tease to me and when I couldn't help myself but touch her and kiss her. How will I be able to handle another game night?

AN: Hey guys! I was thinking and maybe a few more game nights would be fun to write because that's when they all can be together and actually have fun, while the girls sleep. Is there a game you would particularly like to see them play or some dare that you would like to see?

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