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Niklaus's POV

We were out of New Orleans and I asked Caroline to stop in the next station so we could talk better about what was going on.

"This place as coffee but we can't stay long. When someone sees the hole in the wall, they will see you're no longer there and will look for you." Caroline said as we walked out of the car.

"You need to see my position. I don't even know how long it's been since I was put in that... place."

"I know. I'm just concerned that someone might find you and do this all over again... or worst." She said with a concerned look,

"Are you admitting that you care about me?" I asked with a smirk and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I guess one coffee won't hurt." Caroline said and so we got on a booth and ordered two coffees.

"I need to know what's going on? What happened while I was stuck in that place? How are you involved in this? And mostly important, I need to know how is my daughter."

"Hope is okay, don't worry. She just misses her dad. It's been five years since Marcel... you know. Three years ago my daughters started to show problems in controlling her powers because unlike other kids they are siphons and they even got trouble at school with setting something on fire, so I decided to go to New Orleans and ask for your help but once I asked about you they just told me you were gone, so then I called Hayley and she told me everything that was going on... She was having problems finding a way to bring you and your siblings back so I decided to help her out and from that day until now she's living in the house next to mine." Caroline explained.

"Are my siblings...?"

"They are all okay and at the house, Hayley had to stay with Freya in case she needed help with making a spell to wake everyone else, Ric is taking care of the girls and I ended up being in charge of bringing you to your family."

"Thank you, for helping me... again." I said, remembering the time she helped me by making me forget about the illusion of Silas.

"You would do the same for me..." Caroline said, making me smirk to her, knowing that she was aware that I would help her in whatever she needed from me. "What you did... was very brave. Not everyone would be able to sacrifice themselves for the people they love, I mean one thing is saying it, another one is actually doing it."

Caroline's hand was now above mine and I got in complete shock, not knowing what to do next because I was afraid that I would do something that would ruin this moment.

"We better get going." Caroline said, taking her hand off mine, getting up from the booth. "Longer we stay, easier for them to find us will be."

We walked back to the car and she drove us to Dallas, Texas. Once we got out of the car, I heard a door opening, making me turn and see Hayley and my siblings. I looked back at Caroline who was with a small smile.

"Go to them. You need to be with your family. Tomorrow is a brand new day and we can catch up then." She said and I hugged her.

"Thank you... for everything." I whispered to her ear so only she could hear me and then I pulled apart the hug and walked over to my siblings to hug them, while Caroline left to her place.

After I greeted all my siblings and Hayley, I asked about Hope but apparently she was sleeping, but Hayley took me to Hope's bedroom where I saw a beautiful little girl with red-hair, taking after Esther, she was like a little angel.

"Do you want me to wake her up?"

"No. Let her sleep." I said, admiring her peaceful state when she was sleeping, she was the one who had all my unconditional love.

" I said, admiring her peaceful state when she was sleeping, she was the one who had all my unconditional love

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