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No One's POV

Today was the wedding day, today was the day Stefan and Rebekah, Elijah and Elena and Klaus and Caroline would get married. They all decided to get married in the same day and have a small wedding with only their friends and family.

The music started to play and Rebekah appeared, Kol walked Rebekah to the isle and when she got there, Kol hugged his sister because even if they spend most of their thousand years of existence bickering, they had a really close bond and they cared deeply about each other, after the hug, Kol left to his place and Rebekah looked at Stefan with a smile while Stefan admired her soon-to-be-wife.

"You look beautiful!" Stefan said, making Rebekah blush.

After Rebekah appeared, it was Elena's turn, Alaric walked her down the isle, since he saw them like if they were his own kids, hugged her and then looked at Elijah with a serious look.

"You better take good care of her. If you hurt her in any way or form, I will make you suffer, making you beg for death. I was once a vampire hunter and I don't mind to go back to that time..."

"Ric..." Elena said in a warning tone, tired of Alaric being like that towards Elijah. She knows it was because Alaric cares deeply about her and she sees him as part of her family so she doesn't mind that much...

"Do not worry, Mr. Saltzman. I will do everything in my power to make sure Elena will be safe and sound." Elijah said, Alaric nodded and left to his place.

Now it was Caroline's time, when Niklaus saw her, everything seemed a blur, she was the only one he could pay attention, she seemed even brighter than usual, as Enzo was walking Caroline down the isle, she could only focus only on Klaus and how happy she was to start a life with Klaus by her side.

"She's an amazing woman. Make sure she knows it, mate." Enzo said.

"Don't worry, mate." Klaus said, then Enzo left after giving a peck on Caroline's cheek.


"Stefan. Rebekah. You might say your vows." Freya said because she was the one who was officiating the weddings.

"Since I was a little girl I dreamed to be in love, to have a family of my own and to have kids. Then I was turned and so the idea of having kids and a family of my own became fantasies, dreams that I knew that I could never accomplished, leaving me only the possibility of founding Love. I became obsessed with being in love that I found myself in relationships thinking that I was in love when in fact I only loved the idea of being in love. Then I met you and you showed me how to embrace my vampire side and after a hundred years we found our way back to each other and you not only showed me what is like to be in love but you also make my dreams come true by giving me the cure and wanting to spend our human lives together. I love you Stefan Salvatore and I can't wait to lie a human life filled with trivial things and having kids of our own while growing old together. I fallen in love with you in the 20's and then you made me fall for you all over again and I know will love you forever." Rebekah said.

"Rebekah, I've always felt ashamed for what I am, for being a vampire and a Ripper. That was something that I wanted to forget but then again if I wasn't I probably wouldn't have met you in the 20's, not knowing what an incredible woman you are. I did awful things when you appeared in Mystic Falls but now I promise to you, in front of everyone that we know, that I will do everything in my power to make you happy and feel loved. You were there in my best and my worst and I want to do the same thing for you, I want to be your rock. I love you and I will love you forever."

"You may now kiss the bride." Freya said and so they kissed passionately, knowing that from that moment on they would live a human life together like they always had dream of.

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