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Caroline's POV

I missed Klaus but I never thought I would miss him so much... the moment I saw him in such a vulnerable way, it broke my heart. How is it possible he having such a hold on me when we haven't seen each other in years?

I was reading a book in the couch because I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake up anybody. Suddenly, someone knock on the door and when I open it, I faced Hayley, who was with a top and some shorts.

"Hey! Is everything alright?"

"Not exactly. Klaus is having some nightmares and we can't wake him up or calm him down." Hayley said. "Do you think you can help us?"

"I can try but I'm not sure if I'll be that big of help. I mean, if not even Elijah nor Bekah were able to help. Why would I?"

"Because you two share this weird strong bond that no one can ever explain how that happened." Hayley said, making me roll my eyes.

"I'll give it a shot." I said and she took me to Klaus's bedroom.

Once we got to Klaus's room, I saw Klaus sweating and groaning, it was almost like if he was living that nightmare.

"I'll give you some privacy." Hayley said and left, closing the door.

Alright, let's do this.

I tried to wake him up but he was deep sleeping, so there's only one thing left, I had to go through her mind to see what he was dreaming of.

I found myself in that cemetery and I saw Mikael holding me and Hope, threatening to kill us.

"Please, don't hurt them."

"You should know this would happen. After all, everything and everyone around you gets hurt. Everywhere you pass, you only provoke chaos and pain." Mikael said.

"Klaus!" I called him and he looked at me in surprise. "I'm here. I'm real. This is just a dream. Mikael is dead and won't be able to hurt any of us. Please, wake up."

I was seating next to Klaus, hoping that he would wake up, when I was starting to think that maybe it didn't work, his eyes opened with an intense breathing, then he looked at me.

"You're here."

"I'm here." I said with a smile and I hugged him.

"Is Hope..."

"She's sleeping. Hayley heard you having a nightmare and your brother tried to wake you up but no success so she called me to see if I could wake you up without disturbing Hope's sleep." I said with a smile and then said. "I'm sorry that I went through your head. It was the only way I could thought of in such a short time when you didn't woke up with us calling your name."

"Thank you, Caroline." He said, saying my name in a way that gave me chills. The way he said my name, just made me feel like this, it's like if he was saying my name in a special way.

"No problem. I am now going to let you get some decent sleep." I said because I felt like I needed some air, then I got up to go back to my home.

"No." He said, making me turn to face him. "Stay... please."

"Okay, I'll stay." I said with a smile and lay next to him.

"Caroline, why did you help Hayley?"

"Because I Like Hope and she doesn't deserve to grow up without a father." I said, although was just part of the truth, I noticed his face and he seemed disappointed so I decided to admit the reason why I helped him. "And might be also because I kinda care about you..."

"You care about me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Shut up. Don't get over yourself."

"How can I not when a beautiful and astonishing woman such yourself says that she cares about me?" He said with a smirk while I rolled my eyes.

"I missed you." I found myself saying.

"I missed you too, love." He said, making me smile and then I used his chest as a pillow and his arms wrapped around me, bringing me closer to him, making me wish to be like this forever.

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