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No One's POV

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No One's POV

After breakfast, Hayley and Alaric took the girls to school, Caroline went to her work place because since she took care of the girls she decided to have a more human life and become a tv producer and journalist, Elena was a doctor and had transfer to an hospital near Caroline's place and Bonnie was a teacher of History and also seller a few magic herbs to help people when they were in times of need.

At lunch, Caroline, Bonnie and Elena decided to go lunch together to catch up.

Elena's POV

Caroline took Bonnie and I to a place she knew and was very nice, it was similar to the Grill.

"Elena, you need to tell us what the hell happened between you and Elijah." Caroline said with a big smile.

"Nothing happened." I said blushing.

"Elena, we all noticed the looks you shared with Elijah. You can tell us." Bonnie said.

"Yes! We have been friends since we were kids. Came on!" Caroline said, clearly anxious to know.

"Okay, you girls remember when I was dared to make a strip tease to Elijah and I took him to his room..."


"Well, it kinda ended up with him being on top of me kissing my neck and then he started to kiss my boobs and my belly and... Oh My God! It felt so good!!!" I said, still being able to feel the way it felt him kissing me and touching me.

"So you and Elijah are now a thing?" Bonnie asked.

"No! He just broke up with Hayley. I'm pretty sure that we only had that moment because we were drunk and he was lonely and I happened to be there."

"Are you sure there's nothing something more? I mean back in Mystic Falls he did choose you to be his fate for the Mikaelson Ball, don't you remember?" Caroline asked.

"That was different." I said. "Besides, Elijah and I agreed on faking that nothing had happened so that's what I'll do and so will you."

"Okay." The girls said.

"Care, what's going on between you and Klaus? Since I got here it seems that you and Klaus are really close." I said.

"Stop imagining things. Klaus and I are just friends..."

"Please Caroline. Klaus might not be my favorite person in the world but everyone can see you have him wrapped on your little finger. He truly likes you, Care. We will support you if you get in a relationship with him." Bonnie said.

"Thank you, girls." Caroline said. "If things were different maybe I would think about giving Klaus and I a chance but I don't know."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm a mother. I am raising two beautiful girls. I have now responsibilities. The people I decide to spend time with, everything I do, not only will have consequences on my life but also on my daughters. I can't ruin what I have with them."

"Care, just because you are a mother doesn't mean you are no longer allowed to have a love life." I said.

"Yeah... You just need to keep being there for your girls. If you keep being there for them and being the great mother you are, I'm sure they will support you being with Klaus or whoever you might want to be with."

"Thank you for this, girls. But I don't know..." Caroline said. "But now, how about we talk about Kol and Bonnie?"

"There's nothing going on between me and him." Bonnie said, making me and Elena give her a look. "It's Kol. He is like a annoying kid trapped in a man's body, not even a real man... Came in, girls! It's Kol. He has nothing to do with me."

"Opposites do attract." Caroline said with a smile.

"Yeah, and proof of that is Caroline and Klaus. The baby vampire and the big bad wolf." I said with a smirk and Caroline rolled her eyes while blushing.

"Well, that's not the case between me and Kol. I mean when we were playing 5 second rule when Elijah asked him to name 3 round things he said the earth and his balls. I mean... Came on!" Bonnie said.

"Well, they are 3 round things..." I said, while giggling with Caroline.

"Either way, it's Kol! He is too childish."

"Yeah, and no offense but you can be too serious. Bon, you guys kinda complement each other." Caroline said.

"Care is right."

"You two are crazy!" Bonnie said.

The girls spend the rest of their lunch break talking about what they have been doing while they were apart and then went back to their works, Elena thinking about Elijah, Caroline thinking about Klaus and Bonnie wondering why Kol made her laugh so much at game night, wondering if the girls were right or if it was simply because she was drunk.

AN: Hey guys! I decided to make this chapter to see the girls reconnecting and so they could talk with someone about their feelings.
About the ships: I have been listening to your requests and like you see, we have a bit of Klaroline, Elejah and Kennett but then there's more missing. I'm not going to say names but I will say a few suggestions that people gave me and also ships I don't mind doing... I would like to know your opinion. Hayley with Stefan? Hayley with Jackson? Hayley with Alaric? Rebekah with Stefan? Rebekah with Enzo? Freya with Matt? Freya with Vincent? I honestly am kinda stuck because we can have so many ships and that's why I truly appreciate you guys giving me your opinions. If there's something specific you would like to see, please tell me and I'll see if I'll be able to write it. 😉 You are awesome! ❤️

 😉 You are awesome! ❤️

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