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Elena's POV

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Elena's POV

I was at the hospital and noticed that I wouldn't be able to go have lunch with Elijah because today was a really busy day, so I called him.


"Hello, Lijah. It's me, Elena."

"Hello, Elena. How are you? Do you want me to take you to lunch?"

"I'm fine. And I would love to but unfortunately things are really busy in here. I don't think I'll be able to go have lunch with you. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. But you are going to eat something, right?"

"Lijah, I'm a vampire, I'll just drink some blood and I'll be fine." I said.

It's so sweet how concerned Elijah is...

"Yes, I know. I just worry that you stop to care with yourself when you have others who need your help. I know your job is hard but don't forget that you need to make sure you're alright to make other be alright too."

"Okay, Elijah. I'll have to go. I miss you." I said because even if we didn't spend so much time apart, when I'm somewhere without him, he never leaves my mind and I just miss him a lot.

"I miss you too."

"I'll call you when I get my time to eat something." I said and after we said our goodbyes I hung up.

"Gilbert, we need you." One of my colleagues said and I quickly went to the patient that needed my help.

After two hours of going from patient to patient, I was finally able to get a break so I took a blood bag and put it on a bottle that everyone thought would be for water, then I went out to take some fresh air and texted Elijah.

'Hey, Lijah! I think I'm going to take a nap of an hour after drinking some blood. -Elena'

'Would you mind some company? -Elijah'

When I was about to answer, someone put their hands in front of my eyes to stop me from seeing, I knew it was Elijah just for his scent, then I grabbed his hands, to feel them.

"Kol?" I laughed so he would know was a joke.

"Very funny." Elijah said, letting me see, then I turned around to see him and I kissed him passionately.

"I missed you..." I whispered once we broke the kiss.

"I missed you too..." He said with a smile, then with a serious face he said. "Did you take care of yourself?"

"Yes. I'm drinking blood" I said and he nodded. "I know a place where we can stay alone and have some privacy."

I hold his hand and took him to one of the private rooms that we, doctors, have for when we have long shifts and need to rest for a bit, then I kissed Elijah passionately.

"What do you say about we make our time together worth it?" I asked with a smile and kissed him passionately.

Usually I'm not the kind of girl who just has sex in public spaces but when I'm around Elijah I just can't help myself. He is like the perfect man, he is nice, sweet, polite, caring, protective and incredibly good looking.

I wrapped my legs around his waist while I kissed him passionately, then his lips left mine and he started to kiss my neck and suck it.

"Elijah..." I moaned and he pushed me against the wall, making me gasp, we looked at each other with desire and I quickly took his shirt, ripping some of the buttons of because I just wanted to be with him and take off his stupid clothes as soon as possible.

" I moaned and he pushed me against the wall, making me gasp, we looked at each other with desire and I quickly took his shirt, ripping some of the buttons of because I just wanted to be with him and take off his stupid clothes as soon as possible

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"Elena, are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I want you, Elijah. I want you so badly..." I admitted and then he kissed me passionately.

Quickly I was just in my panties and he was just with his boxers, now I was on the bed with him on top of me kissing my belly, while squeezing my breasts, making me moan. He has been teasing me for a long time, clearly enjoying making me moan.

"Elijah..." I moaned. "I need you..."

Then I felt him getting inside of me making me gasp, and we made love for an hour, making me now be on top of him breathless.

"That was... Wow!" I said because I never had someone pleasing me and making me moan as much as Elijah did. He could be all nice and formal but in bed he was an animal who knew what he had to and took time, making the experience be even more incredible than already was...

"In deed..." He said with a smile.

"Did you like it? I mean, I liked it but you have way more experience than me and..."

"You were amazing. You are the best I ever had..." Elijah said making me blush.

"And you are the best I ever had." I said with a smile and then said. "And the biggest..."

We both chuckled at that and after staying a few minutes cuddling with him, someone biped me because they needed my help, so we gathered our belongings and before he left we shared another passionate kiss.

AN: Hey guys! What did you thought about this Elejah chapter? It was the first time I wrote Elejah having sex so I wasn't sure how to write it but I hope it was okay. Feel free to give me your opinions and suggestions. What would you like to see next? I also wanted to thank all of your for your support, it's been like 15 days or so since I started to write this chapter and I'm already in the chapter 45, I wouldn't be able to write so much in such a short time if it wasn't for your support and help. You guys are amazing! Thank you for everything.❤️

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