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No One's POV

It was the next morning and Elena made Caroline and Bonnie go with her have breakfast outside because she needed to tell them what happened between her and Elijah. Elena felt that she really needed some advice and girl talk.

"Alright, let's get to the real thing. What happened that last night you texted us saying that you had to tell us something in the middle of the game night?" Caroline asked after the waiter appeared with their orders.

"Alright... Do you remember when I went to the kitchen to get some bottles of bourbon." Elena started.

"Yeah, then Elijah followed you..." Bonnie said.

"Yeah... well, we talked and somehow we ended up getting very intimate."

"Did you two kissed?" Bonnie asked with a smile.

"No! But I kinda wrapped myself around him and he gave me a hickey." Elena explain but it was gone because she was a vampire.

"Wow! Elijah acts all polite and formal but apparently..." Caroline said with a smirk.

"Here's the thing... I think there might be something between me and Elijah but... every time we get a moment more intimate he then apologizes and I don't know if it's because he thinks I'm bother by it or because he is still getting over Hayley..." Elena said. "What should I do?"

"Give time and things will sort out by themselves." Bonnie said.

"Or maybe you should go talk to him and put the cards on the table." Caroline said.

"Yeah... that's rich coming from you." Elena said to Caroline.


"Come on! We know that you like Klaus but you aren't able to put the cards on the table." Elena said.

"That's different!" Caroline quickly said.

"How come?"

"Because I'm a mother now."

"That's not that much of an excuse. Just because you are a mother doesn't mean you don't get to have a love life." Bonnie said.

"Exactly. Or do you really think that you need to wait until the girls have 18 years old so you can go back or there?" Elena asked.

"You don't understand. I'm now a mother and if I decide to date a guy that will eventually have some consequences and affect the girls. We have been having such a normal life. Soon they will get into the Supernatural world and things won't be so smooth like they have been..." Caroline tried to explain although she realized it sounded more like an excuse.

"What are you talking about? There's many parents who are divorced and are dating other people." Bonnie said.

"How did the conversation become about me and Klaus. We were talking about Elena and the Mikaelson in a suit..." Caroline Saidi trying to change again the subject.

"Exactly. What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure. I just wish he would give me a clear hint that he likes me and that I'm not just someone he is using as a rebound."

"Are you kidding? Of course you're not the rebound! He said that he hangs it with you because you are much more than a beautiful woman. He even said that you are completely different from Katherine and that Tatia girl... he admitted that he sees you much more than the doppelgänger of his ex's."

"Yeah, everyone can see that he really likes you." Bonnie said, then looked at Caroline. "And was just me or were you just now jealous of Tatia? Would that be because it was Klaus's crush when he was human?"

"What? Why should I be jealous? I mean she's dead. And let's be honest, what kind of name is Tatia..." Caroline said trying not to show how jealous she was of Tatia because even if Tatia was part from the past, she would always be Klaus's first love and that has a huge impact on a person.

"Talking about Klaus. You seemed happier after that talk you and Klaus had in his studio. What happened?" Elena asked.

"He apologized for the way he acted and I forgave him." Caroline said with a smile.

An: Hey guys! What did you think? I think it's nice sometimes have some chapters where it's about friends just talking about their lives... it kinda gives a perception of how they feel and how they are thinking of acting towards their feelings. If you wanna see a chapter focus on a certain ship(s) or on a friendship or something, just say so and I'll try to see what I'll do.

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