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No One's POV

After awhile, Kol decided to stop the game of 5 second rule and to start a new game that he truly enjoyed, Truth or Dare.

"Now, that we are done with Ellen's game... Let's play a little game that I like to call Truth or Dare but has a twist, everyone you are picked you gotta drink." Kol said. "I start."

"Klaus, truth or dare." Kol asked and Klaus drink his bourbon.


"I dare you to say that I'm the best creature that ever existed." Kol said with a smirk.

"I'm the best creature that ever existed." Klaus said with a smirk, making Kol scoff.

"Elijah, truth or dare."

"Dare." Elijah said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Put on something that is not a suit." Klaus said and everyone chuckled, because they knew Elijah only wore suits.

When Elijah come back with a t-shirt and some jeans, everyone was a little bit in shock because it was Elijah in casual clothing.

When Elijah come back with a t-shirt and some jeans, everyone was a little bit in shock because it was Elijah in casual clothing

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"You should use those clothes more often. Because you look hot!" Elena said, suddenly noticing Elijah's muscles and how good looking he is.

"Elena is right." Caroline said with a smile and then taking a sip of her drink.

"What is that suppose to mean? Do you find my brother attractive?"

"Kinda... yeah..." Caroline admitted, making Klaus feel his blood boil and also feeling an urge of breaking something.

Klaus knew he couldn't, specially because their house was next to Caroline's, where is daughter was sleeping, so he went to the kitchen to drink some blood and try to calm down.

"What happened? Why did you left like that?" Caroline asked once got inside the kitchen because she quickly follow Klaus.

"Nothing. I just need to drink some blood." Klaus lied.

"Do not lie to me." Caroline said upset. "Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset! Now leave me alone." He said and was about to go back to the living room but she grabbed him by the arm making him stop.

"Klaus... please don't be like this. I just got you back in my life." Caroline said and Klaus just looked at her. "I don't want you to stay upset with me. I don't see Elijah like that if it's that what you're wondering."

"You don't?"

"No. Yeah, I think he looks good in casual stuff but nothing more. Believe me when I tell you I don't see Elijah like that." Caroline said and Klaus couldn't help but smile.

They both went back to the living room and saw Elena talking with Elijah about her being a doctor and Kol singing awfully to Bonnie.

"Care! Truth or dare?" Kol asked while Caroline drank.


"I dare you to seat on Klaus's lap for the rest of the game." Kol said with a smirk making Caroline roll her eyes and she sat on Klaus's lap while Klaus smirked.

After a few rounds everybody got drunk, Bonnie, Freya and Matt no longer were there because by being human they got drunk faster than the others. Kol was drinking with Enzo while they talked about girls and Elena was now on Elijah's room because she was dared to make a strip tease.

She was doing it and thanks to the alcohol she was more loosen up, she took her top and was about to take her shorts but Elijah grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him.

"How are you single?" Elijah asked while looking at her body like if she was a master piece, making her blush.

"Elijah... you just broke up with Hayley..." Elena said because she didn't want to be used as the rebound, then Elijah rest his forehead on hers, feeling the closeness and the desire to be closer, he didn't know what was it but since he started to talk to her he felt more intrigued about her and he felt something drawn him to her.

"Elijah..." she moaned while feeling his hands moving slowly to her waist and pulling her to him, then he make her lay down on his bed with him on top of her while he kissed her neck, her breasts and her belly, making her moan his name even more.

"I-I'm Sorry. I don't know what got into me." Elijah said, when looked her in the eyes.

He didn't know what was going through his head, he barely knows her and is already drawn to her but he knew it was wrong being this affectionate, specially because they were both drunk.

Before they would be back, they agreed to forget what happened even if they couldn't think of anything else, but they were also aware that they were drunk so it was more reasonable them to not make a big deal of what happened, even if felt really good.

When they got back to the living room, Elena had to take a shot to try and forget how good it felt being like that with Elijah. The rest of the night Elena and Elijah shared looks, not being able to stop thinking what happened in his bedroom.

AN: Hey guys! This was the first time I write an Elejah scene and I know many of you (if not all) are Elejah shippers, so I hope it was well written, if you feel that it's a little off or you had something else in mind, you can tell me and I can r...

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AN: Hey guys! This was the first time I write an Elejah scene and I know many of you (if not all) are Elejah shippers, so I hope it was well written, if you feel that it's a little off or you had something else in mind, you can tell me and I can rewrite it. I hope you liked it. And I know I'm always thank you but I'm very thankful to have you guys giving me so much support and helping me out about which ships to put in here and all that. Love you guys!❤️

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