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Caroline's POV

After the game I was about to leave and go home because I didn't want to spend much more time with Klaus. I never thought it would hurt me so much to have Klaus thinking that low of me... I hated myself for letting him having such a big effect on me.

"Caroline, can we talk... in private?" Klaus asked me before I could leave.

"I don't think so..."

"Please, Love..." He said with a puppy dog eyes that I couldn't just refuse to.

"Alright. But it better be quick." I said and he nodded with a smile.

He took me to his studio and after he closed the door I just looked at him with my arms crossed because I wasn't planning on making things any easier for him.

"So... what did you wanted to talk about?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"I would like to apologize to you. You didn't deserve any of what I said. I know that when you tried to distract me was just because you wanted to help your friends. You always do whatever you can to help the people you love, that's one of the many things that makes me be so fond of you."

"If that's true then why did you acted like a complete jerk?"

"Because I felt jealous, Alright?" Klaus said, leaving me perplexed. "I know that you and Stefan had a past and knowing that he is still important in your life made me upset. I don't like to see you so close to other men... I want to be the man you feel close to not Stefan or anyone else."

"Even if I forgive you, how do I know you won't throw in my face things that I done to you."

"You don't. But I'm truly sorry for being a wanker. You didn't deserve to hear what I told you. I let my anger get the best of me and I apologize for that. I know you don't make me be your little puppy but let's be honest, we both know that you can do whatever you want with me."

"Klaus..." I tried but he stopped me.

"What I told you at your graduation, I meant it. I do intend to be your last love, however long it takes. I'm willing to keep chasing you and fight for you. But until then, I'm alright with being just your friend... I just can't handle not having you in my life." He said and I quickly hugged him.

"You don't need to worry about that." I said breaking the hug. "Our daughters are friends so even if I tried to avoid you I wouldn't be able to keep with it for much longer."

"Yes, but I want you here with me because you want to and not because you feel obligated." Klaus said.

"Are you really sorry?"

"More than I can put in words. I was awful to you and you didn't deserve it. You only deserve to have people complimenting you and showing you how incredible you are..." he said making me blush.

"I think after so many years of getting to know you, it would be stupid to just stop talking with you because of that fight." I said. "You saved my life time after time and you were the one who made me see it was alright to want to raise Lizzie and Josie... After everything, I can't just stay mad at you..."

Klaus smirked showing, his cute dimples and then I hugged him again, he was a bit surprised with the hug but then he hugged me tightly and when we broke the hug, I noticed how close we were and a part of me wanted to just kiss me but then I had my rational side saying that I should, at least not now, so I rest my forehead in his and I enjoyed being that close to him, feeling his breath on my face and scenting his cologne.

I wish I could stop time just to be able to enjoy this moment a little while longer...

AN: Hey guys! I know this chapter and the one before this one was focused only on one ship but I'll try to soon be back to making chapters focused on more than one ship. I hope you liked it. If you would like to see something happen, you know what to do. 😉 Thank you for all the support you've been giving me so far, you guys are truly amazing! ❤️

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