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"O-operate?! Why?!"

The doctor walks closer to my bedside and shows me the X-ray. You can clearly see where the bone is broken.

I am now really scarred and I wearily ask "how long will I have to be in the hospital?"

"It depends probably 3-5 days." The doctor said.

"Ok" I say. I want to get it over with so I can heal before my tour.

Now I have to make a lot of phone calls. My mom, Scott, Abigail, my band, Selena, and a few others.

I call in a nurse to ask how Ed is. The nurse said that he is still in surgery. The poor thing.

I go on twitter and decide to tweet out a bit of what's going on. I say "So broke my ankle walking in heels.. I'm so clumsy". I try to sound happy and positive even though I am the complete opposite.

A few hours later doctors come in and stick me with needles and do a bunch of stuff that hurt.

Then I get prepped for surgery and put to sleep.

All I can remember is the operating room being really bright and a bunch of masked doctors and nurses looking at me.

When I wake up. I am very groggy. I hear beeping and my ankle is all wrapped up. I am hooked up to several IVs and a heart rate monitor.

Austin and my mom are by my bedside. The told me the surgery went well and my ankle will be healed in 6 weeks.

Then I remember Ed. Austin and my mother look at each other and then Austin says "He is out of surgery... But um.."

"BUT WHAT!" I yell. I feel bad for yelling at him but I need to know.

"He is in a coma tay." Austin blurts out!

"A COMA!? ".

My mom leans close to me "Taylor you need to stay calm and rest or you are going to jeopardize your health."

I don't want to calm down and rest I want to see Ed. I NEED TO SEE ED!

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