Part twēntÿ fïvę

105 11 5

I open my eyes. I'm on the ground. I am in a unfamiliar place.

The walks are blue. The ceiling is white.

This is just a room. A room with nothing in it. No doors. No windows. No anything. No escape.

Im on the ground. I stand up and look around. I want to get out of here.

"HELLLLLLOOOOO?" I yell. Maybe someone will hear me.

I stand up and look at my arm. Blood is spilling from my cuts.

Suddenly I am not in control of my body. I can see myself.

I am looking at my arm then I dip my finger in the blood and walk to the wall.

I start to smear the blood on the wall. I'm writing something.

My body steps back and I can read what is written.

MY FAULT. Is written on the wall in blood.

My fault? I know it's my fault but this just doesn't seem right.

Taylor.. Or I walk out a door that I swear wasn't there before.

I follow her out the door.

The minute I step out of the door and the air hits my face something doesn't feel right.

I look around and all I see is fog.

I have no idea where I am.

I see the other Taylor in front of me.

I run up to her

"Where are we?" I ask her.

She continues to walk not showing the smallest bit of acknowledgment.

I try to tap her shoulder but my hand goes her.

Am I some sort of ghost?

Where is this Taylor going.

Suddenly emerging from the fog I see a graveyard appear.

Are we going there?

When we get their, there is a open coffin and a hole in the ground.

I watch myself get into the coffin then in a poof the coffin is gone along with the hole.

A silver tombstone lays there.

Taylor Alison Swift. December 13th 1989- August 20th 2016. I was dead?!?

What. This can't be happening.

I collapse to the ground and cry.

I should have never ended my own life.

I put my head down in my knees. Nothing will ever be right again.

Then I see Ed appear out of no where. He is visiting my tombstone.

"Taylor you are the only girl that has ever made me truly happy, so tonight I will be joining you."

Ed was going to kill himself?! No he can't because of me. He can't.

I feel alone. I should never have yelled at Ed. We could still be together.

Then I open my eyes and I'm in a hospital room. Ed is standing my bedside.

I am laying there hooked up to a million things.

I'm not dead.


Hi everyone! So this is a longer chapter and it took me forever to right because wattpad wouldn't save my stuff so I had to start over 3 times.

I'm starting a new fanfic soon.

Should it be haylor, sweeran, tay squared or something else? Leave a comment!!

Next update Thursday or Friday!

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