Part nînê

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"Taylor we will let you rest." my mom says as she and Austin leave the room.

I look at a clock 7:04. MY ALBUM! I check the internet and fund myself smiling. Everybody is talking about my album! They love it! Finally something good that has happened to today.

Ed. I need to see Ed. I call in a nurse. "Can I please see Mr. Ed Sheeran?" She looks at me and says.

"Well we would need to get you a wheelchair and you need to be hooked up to your IV meds and heart monitor."

"Please!!" I feel like a child asking for ice cream.

"Ok." the nurse said and immediately I feel a little better.

I get all situated in a wheelchair and i roll my self to Ed's rooms. There are nurses who follow me with my IV pool and heart monitor.

When I get their I see him just lying there in a coma.

"We will leave you aloe." the nurses the say together.

I get close to Ed's bed and I just stare at him for a minute.

"Oh Ed.. its me Taylor. You're going to be alright. Just wake up for me please."

"Please Ed please I need you."

I start to cry.

"Oh dammit Ed wake up!"

My tears are now like a waterfall.

I brush his hair out of his face and stroke his cheek with my finger.

He is so attractive. I wish he were awake so he could make a joke or say something sweet.

I then realize truly how much Ed means to me. I need him.

I lean over and I kiss him. I just kiss him. His lips are like ice but yet feel so good.

I swear I saw his eyelids flutter but then everything becomes a blur and I just black out.

I hear a faint beeping but everything is black. What is going on?

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