Wait What?

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Alone on a Sunday night.

'God I'm pathetic.' You thought as you sat by the counter.

As the previous sentence stated, you were indeed alone on a Sunday night. But, was it on purpose? No. You had no where to go, no one to hang out with, and to girlfriend to be with. This was truly not the highlight of your day. Or, night I should say. So you spent what was left of the day at a bar and lounge near the college you attended.

???:"Hi there!" A voice greeted you.

Surprised by this sudden voice behind you, you turned to face where the voice came from. And, oh boy! She was a cutie. Not to mention how loose and skimpy her dress was. You assumed she must've worked here and that you wanted something to drink. It was her job after all.

Even if she was a worker, you still couldn't, even for the life of you, talk to girls. Even your own Mom! But, that may have been because of the the one F on your report card.

(Y/N):"What? Who... Me?" You said pointing to yourself.

???:"Yeah, you!"

Well shit.

(Y/N):"Oh, sorry. I just... don't talk to many girls." You admitted.

???:"Well your talking to one right now, champ. My name is Kyu; nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

(Y/N):"You mean, like, the letter?" You asked.

Kyu:"Nope. Not like that at all. Look dude, are you going to be all right? Looks like you're having some trouble holding it together over there." She said.

She read right through you like a book. A clear one with black letters.

(Y/N):"What do you mean? I'm fine." You said trying not to fuck up.

Kyu:"What do I mean? I mean I can literally see you sweating through your shirt." She chuckled.

You were, indeed, sweating through your shirt. You had officially, once again, fucked up.

(Y/N):"Is it that obvious?" You asked with despair.

Kyu:"I could see how uncomfortable you are right now from space. Hmmmmm, wait, you know what? This might actually work..." She said putting a finger on her chin.

You were confused by what she said.

Kyu:"Yeah, yeah... Oh man, this is your lucky day buddy!" She cheered.

You were still confused.

Kyu:"Listen, I gotta go. But, we'll meet again, real soon. Trust me. Niiight!" She said leaving you by yourself.

You blinked a couple of times before looking at your drink. Shrugging, you drank what remained inside. You spent a little more time at the Bar and Lounge until you decided it was time for you to head on home. You had spent enough time alone, so the warm embrace of your bed would make you feel welcomed at least.


Seeing your bed after a long Sunday... day, you lifted the sheets and got comfy. Sleep was what the doctor ordered right now. Hearing the air conditioning go on and filling your room with the nice cool air was just enough to make you want to close your eyes and sleep.


Your chest rised up and down in a smoothe pattern. You were knocked out, not ever thinking of waking up. Your window frame then opened as a silhouette crawled in. The dark figure then crept over to your bed, right next to your face. A devilish smile crawled onto their face.

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now