Three's a Crowd

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Kyu:"What's so hard to believe? I'm helping you get a girlfriend like I'm supposed to."

(Y/N):"Yeah. A girlfriend. Not... eight of them."

After the whole "You're probably getting more than just one girlfriend" thing, you wanted to walked back home. It wasn't just to discuss the whole girlfriend thing, but to rest your legs as well. The sun was starting to set and your legs were sore from all the walking you did. You were sitting on your bed as Kyu was sitting on your computer chair, twisting it back and fourth a couple of times.

Kyu:"You know most guys your age would be telling me "Holy Shit! Eight girlfriends?! Sign me up!". You however, not so much. Whats the big deal anyway?" She asked.

(Y/N):"I don't know, maybe its the fact that I would be overwhelmed having eight, even just one, girlfriend?" You told her lying down on your bed.

Kyu:"What about those dates? You can't say you wouldn't want to go out with those girls, can you?"

(Y/N):"Crap, you're right. I totally forgot I had that date with Aiko tomorrow at the Water Park tomorrow. Shit... And after I have that date with Lola... And then Nikki..."

As you were thinking about how many twists and turns your life took in the past couple of days, the Huniebee, free from your pocket and on the lamp desk next to you, was vibrating.

Looking over, you picked it up without a care. Tapping a few things, there wasn't any girls nearby. Instead, a red dot with the number three in white was marked over messages. Curious, you tapped on the icon. You had three messages all from a different girl. The first being Aiko with a picture of her in class. There was also a caption after it.

"Will you take a look at this? I'm such a hot teacher

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"Will you take a look at this? I'm such a hot teacher. =P No wonder so many guys register for my class, hah!"

You had to admit the way she looked in this picture made her look cute, yet sexy.

The next message was from Tiffany. It was sent a bit later after the date you had with her given from the time sent.

 It was sent a bit later after the date you had with her given from the time sent

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"Omg! My bestie took this pic in class, when I wasn't looking. Uh-oh panty shot. >.< So embarrassing..."

You gulped seeing up her skirt. This wasn't the first time, the first being at school when the wind accidentally picked up and blew her skirt upwards for the whole world to see, it got a bit awkward afterwards, so you quickly scrolled up. To say you weren't a bit turned on from it was a lie.

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now