Getting Laid - Lemon

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As the sun was slowly setting in the far distance, the smell of popcorn wafted through the air and the sound of rigged games being either won or lost from inside the Corkscrew Carnival could be heard.

You were standing by the ticket booth that gave out the, wouldn't you know it, tickets and wrist bands, waiting for Aiko to show up. After the small meet up you and Aiko had yesterday at your house, you both agreed to a date the upcoming day at the Corkscrew Carnival. And, might I remind you, the "You're about to get laid" part made you nervous. But, Kyu arriving to help save the day, helped out by giving you a small pep talk. The pep talk can be sumed up with the words: "Don't put it in the wrong hole."

But enough about that. Back to what you were doing, you were counting up the money needed to buy two wrist bands for the entrance and for the unlimited rides. It was a bit pricey, each one coming in at around twenty bucks, but it was sort of worth it.

Stuffing your money back into your pocket, you continued waiting for Aiko to show up. But you didn't seem as if you needed to wait for too long, as in the distance, you Aiko walking towards you.

She was wearing a striped purple button up shirt that hugged her body perfectly, a red skirt that reached towards the mid section of her thigh, and beige colored boots that reached up to the start knees. She also wore what looked to be stockings underneath, something you would see her wear sometimes to class. Overall, she was a mix between beautiful and sexy.

Aiko: "Well hello there, (Y/N)." She greeted with a small wave of her hand.

(Y/N): "Evening to you, too, Aiko. Looking as beautiful as ever." You greeted back.

Aiko: "I can sort of say the same to you. Don't you think you're overdoing the black a little bit?" She asked, chuckling a bit.

Well you were kind of overdoing it, as you were wearing black pants, black shoes, and a black shirt with the only different color being a white opened up button T-Shirt over the shirt.

(Y/N): "Maybe, but thats only because this is all I had in my closet." You said rubbing the back of your head.

Aiko: "Hm. I'm sure it is. Anyways, are you ready for our date?" She asked.

(Y/N): "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Come on, lets go pay for our tickets." You said walking towards the ticket booth.

Aiko: "Sounds good. Lets go lose some rigged games!" She laughed following you.

After paying for your wrist band, and trying to buy Aiko's for her, which resulted in her buying her own because she didn't want you spending all your money on her, you two had now entered the carnival. The smell of popcorn had now grown stronger, with the help of other various types of foods and snacks only increasing the smell.

There were light blinking and blaring everywhere, the occasional bell ringing sound being heard from elsewhere, signaling the "You Win!" noise, and of course children running around and screaming there little heads off like the maniacs they were.

Aiko: "So, what do you wanna try first? I was thinking maybe going on a few rides, play a few games only to lose, and maybe getting a small bite to eat afterwards." She suggested.

(Y/N): "Sure, that sounds fine. But the real question is which ride do we ride first? Cause I think I have a good idea of what you can ride." You said smirking.

Aiko: "And what ride who would that be?" She asked.

(Y/N): "Me~" You said pointing to yourself.

Aiko: "You're an idiot, you know?" She chuckled.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know." You agreed.

Aiko: "But, you're an idiot who may or may not get lucky tonight~" She said with a small hint of lust in her words.

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