Two Mothers and a Bitch

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Kyu:"So where are we heading this fine morning, (Y/N)?" She asked from the right.

(Y/N):"Yesterday, while you were taking a nap on my bed, I was texting the girls asking what's up. To get to the point, Kyanna wanted me to come to her house and help take care of her son, Philip, for the morning." You explained.

Kyu:"Ah, practicing on how to take care of kids already? Man, aren't you a good boyfriend." She smirked.

(Y/N):"I'm just helping Kyanna out with Philip. Being an only parent is stressful you know." You said.

Kyu:"Yeah, it sure looks like it. Good thing I don't have a kid."

You couldn't tell whether she meant that in a good or bad context. Either way, it didn't matter as you had arrived at Kyanna's house. It was a one story building with a homely feel radiating from it. Stepping onto the front porch, you knocked on the door and waited patiently for Kyanna.

Soon enough, the black haired beauty opened the door.

Kyanna:"Hey (Y/N)! Thanks for coming over. Come on in." She opened the door wider for you.

(Y/N):"Yeah no problem. I'm always happy to help out." You said walking inside.

As you did, you looked around her house. It looked bigger on the inside then it did on the outside. There were also a few toys scattered among the floor meant for new borns and up. They must've belonged to Philip.

(Y/N):"So, where's Philip?" You asked.

Kyanna:"Oh, he's in the kitchen. I was feeding him some breakfast before he started to get fussy. Again, thanks for coming on such short notice." She said.

(Y/N):"Hey its no problem. We're all gonna have kids some day, so might as well get the feel for it." You said with a smile.

Kyanna:"Hahah, yeah. We'll just follow me into the kitchen." She said leading you into the kitchen.

Following Kyanna, you were greeted with a baby sitting in a high chair by a table. This must've been her son, Philip. You could easily tell that he was the child of Kyanna due to the black hair, violet eyes, and dark skin.

Philip was in a blue teddy bear onesie with a white bib around his neck smeared with stains. In his hands, he was playing around with a baseball, that also having a few stains on it.

Kyanna:"Here's Philip. He may look cute, but he's a huge trouble maker. Aren't you Philip?" She asked him.

Philip didn't answer, he just looked up at his mother. Kyanna smiled at her son before sitting in a nearby chair and resumed feeding him. You soon came around and sat in a chair across Kyanna.

(Y/N):"Huh. He really does look a lot like you." You said looking at Philip.

Kyanna giggled at your comment. Philip stared at you with curiosity. After being a fed a spoonful of baby carrot mush, he raised his right hand towards you. You, not sure what to do, raised your hand and held out a finger. Philip took your finger with his small hand and kept it there. Kyanna giggled once more.

Kyanna:"I think he likes you." She smiled.

(Y/N):"I think we'll get along." You smiled back.

Later, after feeding Philip and making breakfast for both you and Kyanna, the two of you took care of the one year old. You never had a younger sibling, nor any babysitting jobs, so this was all new to you. Eventually, after giving Philip a bath, Kyanna was trying to put him to sleep.

Sitting on the couch beside, Kyanna had her son in her lap. She was rubbing his back as you watched her do so. The two of you than started to hear a small snore coming from the baby, signaling his slumber. Hearing this, Kyanna let out a relieved sigh.

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