The Date, The Cousin, and The Cat... Girl...?

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Taking a deep breath of that fresh afternoon air, you were heading off on your date with Kyanna.

As weird as it may seem, you both decided that the local Farmers Market, the one close to both your house and hers, would act as the perfect place for your date. It wasn't the best choice, but it was a nice change of pace.

You chuckled remembering what Kyu had to say about this.


Kyu:"Wait, what?" She asked.

(Y/N):"Like I said, me and Kyanna picked the farmers market for our date." You said while fixing yourself up.

Kyu:"The Farmers Market? Out of all the places you could've chose, you both decided on the Farmers Market." She said bluntly.

(Y/N):"I don't see you making all the decisions on where my dates should be taken at." You said slipping on some shoes.

Kyu:"If I was, I would've chosen somewhere better." She said crossing her legs.

(Y/N):"Well, where do you supposed we should've went?" You asked the love fairy.

Kyu:"Anywhere but the Farmers Market." She stated.

~Flashback End~

Arriving at the Farmers Market, you could hear the voices of people chatting with each other, selling things, and the sweet smell of various fruits. You easily picked up the scent of (F/Fruit) from a mile away.

In the distance, you saw Kyanna talking with someone, presumably someone behind the counter. Walking through the crowd of people going by, you reached Kyanna. She was standing beside a crate of oranges, most likely waiting for you. Looking to her left, she smiled upon seeing you.

Kyanna:"Hey (Y/N)!" She said with a smile.

(Y/N):"Hello Kyanna. You're looking lovely as usual." You complemented her attire.

And she did look lovely, wearing a yellow top and a brown skirt. She even changed up her hairstyle a bit, her once free flowing hair now shorten a bit and having tiny braids at the end.

Kyanna:"Thanks! Also, thanks for inviting me out! Such a nice day for the market." She said.

(Y/N):"Yup. The sun is out, the smell of fruit in the air is nice, a cool breeze is going by; such a nice day." You said.

Kyanna:"I know right? Come on, let's get going." She said taking your hand in hers.

As she did, you couldn't help but feel how soft her hands felt. You thought that her hands might have felt just a tiny bit rough, with her working out most of the time, but you should've guessed otherwise.

The two of you, hand in hand, were now walking through the crowds of people going by and the men and woman selling their contents in their tents. Kyanna never specified where she wanted to walk to, or what to get, so you decided to leave the stopping for something or keep walking thing to her. If this was how this date was supposed to go, you wouldn't mind. It wasn't as bad as a certain love fairy would have thought. It was nice to be outside and feel the cool air.

Walking a bit faster, you stood by Kyanna, your hand still in hers.

(Y/N):"So Kyanna, since you're here with me, is Tiffany taking care of Philip?" You asked her.

Kyanna:"No actually. She said she had some things to do today, so my cousin is taking care of Philip for the time being." She explained.

(Y/N):"Oh, cool. Will I ever meet this cousin?" You asked her.

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