Meeting the Girls Part 3

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(Y/N):"Well, we better a get a move on." You said getting up from your chair.

You were in the food court at the mall. After the "proper" introduction with Audrey, Kyu wanted something to eat. When you asked why, her only response was:

Kyu:"I get hungry too, you know."

Pulling out a few bills from your pocket, you agreed to buy her and yourself something, but you only got (F/Drink), as walking around and finding girls that meet your fancy made you thirsty. Dumping the bottle/can into a trash can, you looked back at the table you and Kyu sat at. She was taking a drink out a water bottle bottle before twisting the cap over it.

(Y/N):"Need anything else?" You asked.

Kyu:"Nope. Alright, let's get going. The sun isn't going to be in thr sky all day." She said getting up from her chair.

Walking towards an exit of the mall, you could already feel the change in temperature walking outside.

(Y/N):"So where to now? The Huniebee hasn't gone off like how it normally should've." You said walking towards the pretty far sidewalk.

Kyu:"Mmm, I guess we can go to your house for the time being until the Huniebee goes off again."

Speak of the devil, the Huniebee was going off again.

Taking it out of your pocket, you pressed the power button and tapped on the girl finder icon. Apparently, there was a girl at the Fitness Club. While it was great that you found another girl to find, what wasn't so great about it was due to the Fitness Club being a thirty minute walk from where you were standing. Your legs already felt tired from thinking about.

Kyu:"Huh, what do you know. Let's not miss our chance meeting this girl. So start walking." She said pushing you.


Half an hour later, you finally arrived at the Fitness Club. It looked very much like other Fitness Clubs around the city, but this one had a better reputation that the others.

Kyu:"Well? What are waiting for? Get in there!" She "helpfully" pushed you.

Opeing the glass door to the club, you could already tell that you didn't look the part. There were many people in gym clothes with sports bags and other types of gear. You on the other hand, just wore jeans and a hoodie. Kyu tried to help by giving you her empty bottle of water, but that just made you even more nervous walking inside. The looks some people gave you made you want to go home and hide in the closet.

Standing next to a machine, you tried to spot whoever the Huniebee picked for you. Kyu stood next to you, helping you look.

???:"Yo! I didn't except to see you here Tiffany." A familiar female voice said.

Tiffany:"Yeah! My English lit class was cancelled; tryn' make good use of the time." Another familiar female voice said.

Turning to whoever was speaking, you recognized both the females speaking. One of them was the hairdresser girl from the mall and the other was your friend from school Tiffany. It looked a little weird seeing her here, but then again, you were as well.

???:"Hey listen, thanks sooo much for watching Philip the other day. I know it was last minute." She told Tiffany.

Tiffany:"No, don't mention it. I love to hang out with Philiy. He's like my little buddy." She said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

???:"Did he give you any trouble?" She asked.

Tiffany:"Nope! Like an angel."

???:"An angel? Are you sure you were watching the right kid?" She joked.

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