A Day with Schoolgirls

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Sleeping on the floor in the living room wasn't fun to say the least. Why were you sleeping on the living room floor? Well Audrey was in your bed, Kyu was on the couch, Momo was nowhere to be seen, which left you with the living room floor as your place of slumber.

You may also be asking yourself, why was Audrey sleeping in your room while you slept on the floor? A small recap, you and Audrey went on a date, you decided to take her home, a car rolled up which had her parents as the passengers, they yelled at each other, you being thrown into the mix, and was then left with a crying Audrey without a place to live. But you, being you, decided that Audrey will live with you for the time being until she can find another place to stay at.

However, bringing Audrey to your home brought a substantial amount of worry to you. It wasn't because the place was dirty or the fact you had misplaced your private... uh... booklet that no one should know about, no. It was the fact that you realized half way through, Audrey would see that you had another girl, two if you count Kyu, in your home that got you worried.

However, luck had once again been in your favor as when you had called out into your home, you expected a childish answer, but got the sound of silence instead.

While it worried you, you knew you had better things to do, as you could search for Momo later.

Which leads us to this morning. Sitting across from you was a somewhat still sleepy Audrey wearing one of your hoodies, that was a bit too big on her, but not by much, who was eating a plate of simple eggs and bacon made by you.

Seeing her eat without the usual flare she would give off didn't look right, so you tried to brighten the mood.

(Y/N): "So... you wanna give back my hoodie maybe?" You asked.

Audrey: "Probably not. Its way to comfortable." She said with a small smile.

Even if it was small, you could sense a little bit of Audrey's sass in there. . so you continued.

(Y/N): "Well maybe I would prefer you take it off." You said sitting back a bit.

Audrey: "Don't think that just because you're asking nicely, I'm just going to take this off willingly." She argued.

(Y/N): "Is that a challenge? Then challenge accepted." You said putting your arms on the table.

Audrey chuckled a bit.

Audrey: "Yeah, good luck with that."

Its a good thing luck was on your side, otherwise this whole get a bunch of girlfriend thing would be a train wreck.

(Y/N): "Why? Are you not wearing a shirt under my hoodie?" You asked.

Audrey: "Since I didn't have any other shirt to wear, no. I'm not wearing a shirt. You better not get any ideas." She said with a smirk.

(Y/N): "The only idea so far is to ask for a small peek." You said suggestively.

Audrey: "Your an idiot, you know?" She said taking a bite of the bacon.

(Y/N): "Meh, can't get any better than that." You said sitting back.

Audrey: "But... you have been rather nice... and you did let me sleep at your place for the night... fine. But only for a little bit." She said crossing her arms with a somewhat noticeable blush appearing on her face.

(Y/N): "Wait what?" You asked confused.

Audrey ignored your confusion. She then reached down towards the bottom of the hoodie and lifted it up a bit, revealing her skin, before going further up. Now covering her face a bit, her bra was now exposed to you. It was white with a black stripe near the top. It was a good thing you had your phone with you, and that it didn't have flash on.

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