Chillin' at Home

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You sat at the edge of your bed in deep thought, the echo of your shoe tapping against the floor being the only noise you made, other than the occasional car that drove by.

It was the morning after you, Tiffany, and Audrey went to the mall to buy Audrey a few things, but Nikki then showed up and got into a fight with Audrey, the ending result being in a date with them and you at the Outdoor Lounge on Wednesday, four days from now.

As much as you would love to go on a date with two beautiful girls such as themselves, you were feeling a bit on edge about the whole thing. It was the fact that since the two weren't on good terms with each other, that the date would result in and or end with a fight, with you as the prize. And as cool and awesome as it might be to some to have two girls fight over you, you weren't on board with the idea, not in the slightest.

However, while you were trying to think of ways to prevent such actions, you knew you could deal with most of this stuff on Wednesday, as you had a few things going on for you today. Well, at least later on. Right now you were doing nothing as Kyu, who had just appeared, watched you contemplate the future from your computer chair. She mimicked your pose before smiling a bit.

Kyu: "Thinking about the date on Wednesday?" She asked with a raised brow.

You sighed before nodding. Kyu sat back on the chair, tapping her fingers on the handles.

Kyu: "I'm not sure why you're worried. You'll do fine, as long as you don't fuck anything up." She said.

(Y/N): "Its not me I'm worried about, its Nikki and Audrey I'm worried about." You said looking at Kyu.

Kyu: "Yeah, I know. The two are going kill each other if someone doesn't try and stop them. Someone like yourself should be able to pry them apart in case that does happen, right?" She asked.

You gave Kyu a look.

(Y/N): "You know, out of all the advice you gave me on this bizarre adventure, that was the least useful." You said bluntly.

Kyu sat back in the chair, a creeking noise being heard. She then spun the movable seat around, looking around your room for things to say. She then moved the chair so it was facing you.

Kyu: "Listen, how about when the time comes, we deal with this together. I'll be sure to "join" you on this date and help you, in case you need it. How does that sound?" She asked.

(Y/N): "I guess that could work, but won't this sort of be going against helping me out in this sort of situation?" You asked curiously.

Kyu: "Well its my job to help you, and this is technically helping you, so...
its fine either way." She explained... sort of.

(Y/N): "I'm still a bit unsure of this, but I trust you. By the way, me, you, and wherever Momo is, have the house all to ourselves this morning, at least until Tiffany comes by later." You said getting up from your bed.

Kyu: "Why?" She asked.

(Y/N): "Audrey said she had some "important unnamed business" she needed to attend to, and that she won't be home for most of the day." You told Kyu.

Kyu: "But if she's out right now, then why is Tiffany coming over?" She asked.

(Y/N): "Seeing as how I haven't hung out with her in a while, despite the two if us seeing each other yesterday, I invited her over to my house for a date. But she won't come until around three-ish, so I got plenty of time to just screw around and do nothing." You said exiting your room.

Kyu followed, but just poofed right in front of you with her arms crossed.

Kyu: "But don't you think you should be worried about a certain cat? One who has been missing since yesterday?" She questioned with a raised brow.

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