Dating Into the Night

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(Sorry about all the previous Publishes, I'm not sure why but Wattpad is weird whenever I uploading with this book.)

(Y/N): "So... when are you gonna reveal the rest of the bikini?"

Nora just gave you a stern stare to counter your idiotic statement. After walking around in the sand for a bit, you and Nora found a vacant area no one was using. Deciding from there, the two of you now sat on top of a blanket Nora brought and were currently basking in the mid to late afternoon sun. Well, Nora was, as you didn't bring any swimming trunks, or anything else necessary to the beach. Nora was busy putting on sunscreen on herself while you sat and watched.

Nora: "Remind me why Kyanna is going out with you again?" She asked while applying a bit of sunscreen on her left arm.

(Y/N): "Come on, I'm not that bad. Although I'm just as surprised as you are." You agreed.

 Nora rolled her eyes before applying the rest of what she needed on her body. You continued watching her run her hand up and down her leg and thigh like the weirdo you were. Nora took notice of your stare.

Nora: "Can you not?" She said.

(Y/N): "Can I not what?" You questioned.

Nora: "Can you not stare at my leg?" She said as if what you were doing wasn't obvious enough.

(Y/N): "What? Can I not look at what's beautiful?" You said truthfully.

Nora: "You know flattery is getting you no where, right?" She asked.

(Y/N): "Maybe, but its not gonna stop me from complementing you." You said.

Nora: "Whatever." She said rolling her eyes before applying sunscreen on the rest of her body.

You gladly continued watching her rub sunscreen on her other leg, as well as the rest of her body. Taking her flannel off, as well as her hat, she folded it neatly before placing said hat on top of the blue clothing item, giving you a good view of her ample breasts. Despite her hair reaching up to where her neck and head meet, she messed around with it before pushing it away from her back. She then looked off towards her left, debating with herself again.

Nora: "Okay, listen... I'll make a deal with you. If you can rub some sunscreen on my back without acting weird, then maybe I won't act so harsh towards you. Sound fair?" She asked presenting the bottle at you.

(Y/N): "As long as your happy, then I don't care." You said taking the bottle in your hands.

Nora: "Alright, but if you cross the line, consider yourself dead." She said while shifting her position on the blanket.

Nora was now lying on her stomach, her head rested between her arms. Her slightly tanned back was now presented to you. Moving yourself over to her, you took the bottle and squeezed an amount out. Putting it down, you rubbed the sunscreen in your hand before placing your hands on her back. You felt her tense up for a bit, most likely from the sunscreen being cold, but she immediately relaxed into it as you began rubbing your hands around her back. You could hear Nora hum in time with your hand movements, meaning she must've liked what you were doing, so you kept it up.

Nora: "Man... your hands feels so good. Is this the first time you've done this?" She asked.

(Y/N): "No. And that's not the first time someone's told me I'm good with my hands." You smirked at that last part.

Nora: "Well you've certainly earned your part of the deal. Consider yourself lucky, (Y/N)."

  (Y/N): "Trust me, I've been way too lucky for my own good."

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now