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As the sun started to rise and shine through your sliding glass doors, you shielded yourself from the rising star in the sky by lifting your blanket over your head. With that done, you hugged the mysterious figure next to you and fell back asleep.

Wait what.

Reopening your eyes, you lifted the blanket up enough to see who was the one hugging your waist. As it turns out, it was your new - would roommate be the right word? Yeah, let's go with roommate - your new roommate, Momo.

Her head was rested near the crook of your neck as her arms were wrapped around your torso with her her legs being wrapped around the mid point; Momo was practically hugging you with her full body. She slept soundly, having the intentions of not wanting to wake up.

While you wanted to stay in bed and sleep for as long as you could, you knew that you had things to do today, so you, reluctantly, stopped hugging Momo and attempted to pry her from your body. It took a while, but you eventually got Momo to stop hugging you and got her to hug a pillow.

After getting out of bed, you did your normal morning routine before entering the kitchen to make some breakfast. Hearing a chair move from behind you, you greeted the mysterious person who seated themselves. Taking a guess, it was probably Kyu.

Kyu:"Have you considered buying a new bed for three people?" She asked with a clear tone of annoyance.

(Y/N):"Yeah, sorry. Momo kinda got the jump before you did." You said not looking away from your cooking.

Kyu:"Remind me how you found her?" She asked.

(Y/N):"More like she found me trying to dump a bag of goldfish in a pond at the park." You said placing a slice of toast on a plate.

Kyu:"You're lucky she's cute, or else I would've kicked her out." She said with a smirk.

You then heard another voice that made its way into the kitchen. Well, more like a yawn. Taking another guess, your hunch was right on the money as Momo walked in yawning with your blanket wrapped around her before taking a seat on the floor next to a chair.

She didn't notice the somewhat pulled back chair next to her. Remember how Kyu said she has the choice of showing herself to anyone, but chooses not to because you needed to learn how to speak to girls? Yeah, same thing applied to Momo.

(Y/N):"Momo, don't sit on the floor. Please sit on one of the chairs." You said while placing a plate in front of Kyu.

Momo then did as you asked. She paid no mind to the plate of food that sat next to her, as small bits magically disappeared with each second. You then placed a plate of food in front of Momo before doing in the same for yourself.

Momo:"Is this for me?" She asked you.

(Y/N):"Yup. I don't feel right treating you as a pet, so I'll treat you the same way as I would with everyone else." You said before seating yourself.

Momo:"Really? Thank you Master!" She said before eating the food as if she's never eaten before.

(Y/N):"We really need to work on that master thing." You sighed.

Kyu:"I don't know. I think it's fine." She said.

(Y/N):"Well I don't. Anyways, now that I have another person living with me, I need to head to the store real quick to buy some more stuff." You said finishing up your breakfast.

Again, Momo paid no attention hearing you speak to anyone. In fact, she hasn't even questioned if you were insane or not since the night you brought her into your house.

Kyu:"Okay, we'll come with you." She said while taking a drink for her cup.

(Y/N):"Yeah... uh, that's the thing. I was wondering if maybe you could take care of Momo while I'm out?" You asked Kyu.

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now