The Outside Dates

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I should clear something up with Momo. She can go out and do things like in the game, but she'll be spending most of her time at your place, just to clear things up in case you were confused.


Hearing the satisfying sound of sand being stepped on, as well as small stones being kicked here and there, you followed the pathway towards the hiking trail Beli wished to be accompanied by. You weren't sure why no one wouldn't want to go on a hike with Beli here. It was a nice out, the shade protecting you from the sun felt nice, despite it being somewhat early in the morning, and a patiently waiting Beli sitting on a bench was seen in the distance.

She looked to be lost in thought, taking in the nice atmosphere from the quiet area around her.

(Y/N): "Hello Beli." You greeted while walking up to her.

Beli: "Oh hello (Y/N). How are you today?" She asked getting up from the bench.

(Y/N): "I'm doing well. Ready for the hike you wanted to go on?" You asked.

Beli: "Yes I am. Thank you again for taking time to come out and do this with me, I really appreciate it." She thanked you.

(Y/N): "Its no problem. I like hanging out with you. Shall we get started with this hike?" You asked.

Beli: "Yes, of course. Lets." She responded with a smile.

Walking into the trail, you and Beli took in the nice scenery that is the forest.

However, even with the sounds of the birds chirping, the warm sun shining through the small cracks from the trees leaves, and the satisfying sound of the dirt getting crushed beneath your shoe, you felt that a small conversation may help the two of you get closer. It has been a while since you've seen her, so might as well get to know her better.

(Y/N): "So, Beli, how have you been?" You started off.

Beli: "I've been doing well. How have you been?" She asked.

You thought back to a few days prior.

(Y/N): "Let's just say things have been getting quite... interesting, to say the least. So coming out for a hike really helps relax my nerves about all that." You responded.

Beli: "You know, if you ever need help with relaxation, you could always join me for a bit of yoga." She suggested.

Oh yeah, that's right, Beli happened to be a yoga instructor. She has classes that anyone could visit at the workout place where you met Kyanna. Speaking of which, didn't Kyanna mention that she goes to a yoga class a few times during the week? If so, then Beli must've been her instructor.

(Y/N): "I'll think about that. I think for now, I'm good." You said.

Beli: "Alright. But if you ever feel stressed and don't know what to do, you can come and ask me anytime." She said with a smile.

Seeing Beli smile made you feel good inside. It was pure, like she had never committed a sin once in her life, which she probably hasn't.

(Y/N): "Thanks Beli. I appreciate it." You thanked her.

Beli: "Now then, which way should we head to now?" She asked.

Looking at the road ahead, there were two pathways and a sign in the middle with two arrows pointing towards each one. On the arrows, the words "Hiking Trail Cont." were encrypted on the right one and "Lookout Cove" on the left.

You've only heard a few things about how great Lookout Cove was for couples and other such things. Other than that, you were clueless about the area.

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now