Meeting the Girls Part 1

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This and the few upcoming parts will just be meeting the main girls. After, I will include the unlockable ones as well as a few new ones, just so we're clear.


(Y/N):"I think the best place to start would be the park." You said to Kyu.

Kyu:"Good choice rookie, couldn't have picked it better myself. Alright, ready? Get your game face on!" She said before walking out through your sliding glass door.

Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself for what was happening. Checking once more, you pinched yourself. Yup... Definitely not a dream. Walking out of your room, down the hall, and out the front door, you made your way to Dawnwood Park.


Upon arriving to Dawnwood Park, you hadn't noticed that Kyu suddenly vanished from your care. I guess she has better things to do. Anyways, Dawnwood Park. It was a nice relaxing area, as most parks would be. Not many people were around, as the sun was still rising, but it was high enough to get people out on their early morning jog.

Walking along the path, you noticed a buzzing feeling in your pocket. Investigating what the vibration was, it was revealed to be the Huniebee. This must've been the feature that alerts you whenever a girl was around. And indeed there was! She was standing by the railing, just looking at the grassy fields, minding her own business.

As you kept looking, you couldn't help but notice that it was none other than one of your college teachers Ms. Yumi. Before you could awkwardly walk up and talk to her, somebody else did. So you stood you distance and watched.

Ms. Yumi:"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh..." She yawned.

???:"Good morning Aiko!" The other female greeted.

Aiko then turned around.

Aiko:"Hm? Oh, hey Beli." She greeted back with a lazy wave.

Beli:"What's wrong? Seems like something's bothering you?" She asked.

Aiko:"Yeah, life." She joked.

Beli giggled a bit.

Beli:"So how are classes going?" She asked.

Aiko:"Ugghhhhh, I don't want to talk about that." She groaned with clear boredom.

Beli:"Mmmm, well, I think I have just the thing! I'm heading to the beach to work on a few poses. You should join me. Nothing like a little exercise to melt the stress away." She suggested.

Aiko:"Ehhhhh, not today. I'm just not feeling it." She said crossing her arms and leaning back on the railing.

Beli looked disappointed, but it soon washed away with another smile.

Beli:"Will I at least be seeing you this weekend at the studio?" She asked.

Aiko thought for a bit.

Aiko:"I'll... be there. I don't think I have anything else going on, for once."

Beli:"Great! Can't wait! See you there." She said before leaving another direction.

Aiko then waved lazily again. Seeing this as your chance, you walked over to her. Well, at least you tried. Not even a step in, Kyu appeared from the shadows, standing right next to you. You were, of course, startled as all hell.

Kyu:"Dude...Bro... Asian Chicks...? Don't even get me started! I have like the worst case of yellow fever ever! EVER! Like a yellow plague! This is a tough approach. She's kind of in a shitty mood so...say something stupid to try and cheer her up. It doesn't matter what. The stupider the better." She said before fading away.

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now