The Morning After

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For some odd reason, the pillow your head was placed on was much more softer than usual. In fact, it was so soft, you tried placing your head deeper into the pillow to feel the full effect of the softness. But the minute you felt a slim hand place itself onto your head as you tried burying your face into your pillow, you quickly raised your head to see who had touched you. You were met with a pair of two gray eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses.

Aiko: "I take it you slept well?" She asked stroking your hair.

One look down at what your head was in between caused you to become embarrassed and push yourself away from her. Rolling on your back, you felt a chilly breeze in your lower area, and another look down made you cover yourself with a nearby blanket. The memories from last night all came back to you at once.

Aiko: "I know I'm your Physics Teacher and all, but if I was your Sex-ed Teacher, I'd definitely give you an A+ for last night." She giggled. 

You couldn't help but turn your sigh into a chuckle as well.

(Y/N): "Trust me, if I had the strength and energy, I would've done a lot more to you than you think." You said shifting your body to look at her.

Aiko: "Oh, really now? I guess we'll just have to see...  next time." She said getting off of your bed.

The minute she said "next time" made you groan. But at least you got a front row seat to watch Aiko change, a memory you would always cherish. However, after she had put her bra on (which was somehow across the room) as well as her shirt, you were questioning her decisions when she slipped on her skirt. And I mean, just the skirt. No panties. Skirt only.

(Y/N): "Uh..."

Aiko: "I bet you're wondering, "Why does Aiko have her panties in her hand?" Well, that's because these are for you." She said handing them to you as if it was some sort of gem.

In this case, it was.

You hesitated for only a second before the piece of clothes was put into your hands. They felt... soft... Your arm was practically shaking at this point from both excitement and confusion. You never thought something like this would happen after a night of sex. Aiko took note of your confused, yet excited, look.

Aiko: "Do me a favor and keep that piece clean? Cause that's the only pair you're getting from me." She said.

(Y/N): "Uh... y-yeah, sure. Totally." You nodded.

Aiko smirked.

Aiko: "Well I better get going. Tests aren't going to grade themselves, and class starts in a few hours. I'll see you later, (Y/N). Swing by the campus and keep me company when you're up to it." She said before going over to you and giving you a kiss.

It wasn't anything like last night. Instead, it was a kind kiss, the one filled with love and what not. As her soft lips left yours, you watched Aiko leave your room, she closing the door on the way out. You stated at the door, its wooden texture staring back at you. The silenced that filled your room felt nice to have after a while of going out and doing stuff in the world, especially with girls. And using this time, you decided to change back into your normal clothes.

As you slipped your shirt over your head and smoothed it out, you noticed a smirking Kyu sitting on your bed. You looked at her with confusion.

Kyu: "Well I'll be damned! Will you look at this guy?" She said in a sly tone.

(Y/N): "Uh, what?" You said confused.

Kyu: "I hardly recognize you without the virginity! Congratulations, man! And with such a fine young thing too... I'm impressed." She said putting her index finger and thumb under her chin.

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