Meeting the Girls Part 2

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It was the day after yesterday. You were currently at Nutmeg Cafe, a, you guessed it, cafe not to far from your house. You only ordered a coffee, as you ate some toast and fruit at home. Taking another sip from your drink, you thought about yesterday.

To sum it up, you had started your journey at becoming a "Total Babe Magnet" as Kyu, your love fairy instructor, had put it. You had already been introduced to three beautiful women, one of them being your physics teacher, Ms. Aiko. You had even got yourself a date with her, so that happened. A small recap of last night, you met a woman named Jessie who was... pretty straightforward with her actions towards you. You were very oblivious to most of it since you weren't very familiar with flirting, but that's why Kyu was here to help you understand most of it.

Draining the rest of the coffee, as you lowered your cup, Kyu was sitting across from you drinking, probably, coffee. You didn't say anything to her, as you had no ideas for a topic of discussion. She didn't say anything either, but she suggestively stuck her tongue out as licked the rim of the cup. You gave her a blank stare before getting up and going to the counter for a refill. Halfway there, the Huniebee was going off. Long story short, that was a device used to help you with finding girls and other needs. Taking it out, you used it as if it was a normal phone. Apparently, there were two girls here in the cafe. Putting the Huniebee away, you looked about the public cafe. There was only a few female workers and one female customer. You watched the customer talk to the blue haired worker. The conversation didn't look to last long, as the blue haired female had already left the cafe. The customer on the other hand... she looked... frustrated to say the least.

???:"Wow... okay?" She said crossing her arms.

You felt really bad for her. You were going to walk up to her and cheer her up, but Kyu grabbed your shoulders and held you in place.

Kyu:"Mmm, mmm! I love me some chcoclate. I'll have a tall glass of whatever she's serving; know what I'm saying?" She said while rubbing your shoulders.

You felt really weird how Kyu was acting towards you. And it was only the second day! Kyu then released your shoulders from her hands and walked in front of you.

Kyu:"Let's see, considering what just went down she's probably a little pissed off. Try to get on her good side. Open with something safe... um like something she probably wants to hear." She suggested.

(Y/N):"Something she wants to hear? Okay then." You said walking towards the girl.

(Y/N):"Customer service today..." You said shaking your head.

???:"I know right? It's ridiculous. I mean, is a cup of coffee so much to ask? Soooo sorry to inconvince you. Have you been waiting here long too?" She asked you.

(Y/N):"Yeah, but its okay because I've had you to admire while I wait." You said trying to flirt with her.

It only made her laugh a bit.

???:"Is that the case? I'm glad I was of service. I have to give you credit though, that's pretty brave. You don't hear that often enough. Is that your technique? Hitting on girls at the coffee shop?" She asked.

(Y/N)"Only if they are as cute as you are." You said truthfully.

???:"Oh geez, really? Alright, you're good. I'll tell you what big shot, you caught me in a good mood. I normally don't give in so easily, so consider yourself lucky. My name is Lola, pleasure." She introduced herself.

Lola:"Please, tell me more about how attractive I am." She asked of you.

(Y/N):"Well, if I were to do that, I should probably know some things about you. Such as your last name. I never asked you for it." You asked her.

Total Babe Magnet (Hunie Pop x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now