Spooky Forest Bonanza

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The trip to Transylvania was uneventful if Arwen could count Thomas giving Johnny the cold shoulder and Johnny being uncomfortable around her brother.

Thomas really needs to loosen up.

Arwen had to make sure that her brother would loosen up to Johnny since she could find no flaw from Johnny.

"Wake up you two, we have arrived!"

Johnny shot up from his sleeping position and because Arwen's head was resting on his shoulder, it didn't take long for her to feel something hard hit her.


Arwen winced as she rubbed the sore spot gently "Sorry" Johnny apologized sheepishly and Thomas, sitting across from us, rolled his eyes.

"Welcome to Transylvania" Thomas said, pointing at the scenery from our window. Johnny and Arwen "oohhed".

They got put of the airport as fast as they could and Arwen turned to Johnny "I wish you and I could hang out more" Thomas flared his nose before pulling his sister to him.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Jonathan"

The shocked look on Johnny's face when Thomas actually said his correct name was good enough for Thomas.

Arwen waved goodbye as the three of them took off in opposite directions "Nice kid" Thomas made. Rumbling sound from his throat before he led her to a cab and off they were to the forest area of Transylvania.


Dusk was falling and the fog was already covering up the entire forest floor. Arwen looked irritatingly at her brother.

"Are we there yet? You said it will juts be a minute walk but its already hours!"

Thomas held back the urge to cast his sister a grim look "I do believe we are lost" Arwen gave him an "are you kidding me right now" look and threw her hands up.

"We are going to die here right now" Thomas gave her an amused look "Need I not remind you that I am a hybrid between witch and a vampire" Arwen snorted "And I'm an ordinary human whose training to become a mage from you" A small smile made its way.

The two continued trekking until they heard someone shout. Thomas instinctively pulled Arwen near him and she glared at him "Calm down Tom, it must have been just a harsh wind" Thomas crossed his arms, eyes hard and gazing everywhere for potential threats.

"Winds don't yell like that" Arwen opened her mouth to argue when they heard someone call out for help "Somone's in trouble!" Before Thomas could even say anything, Arwen was already zooming through the trees, following the sounds running as quick as her human legs could take her.


The umistakenable voice of Jonathan made Arwen stop in her tracks as she stared at Johnny with a stunned look on her face. Johnny had mutliple of cobwebs and vines wrapped around him that kept him suspended in mid air.

Johnny waved casually at her as Arwen immediately began to slice down the vines with a sharp rock "How did you get here?" She asked as she looked around. Any second her brother would come crashing down.

Johnny scratched his head "I was just mountain climbing with some dudes in the morning then I stayed in an inn and I heard about the story of the Spooky Forest" Johnny quickly showed Arwen a brief photo of a man crying his eyes out while a woman patted on his back.

"And whose not gonna go into a spooky forest am I right?" Johnny laughed nervously and Arwen shook her head in amusement before she heard footsteps comming "What are YOU doing here? Are you following us?" Thomas asked and glared at Johnny suspiciously.

Johnny raised his hands up in surrender "I didn't do anything mind you, I was just wondering around the spooky forest and tripped on a roc which I ended up getting caught up with vines and that's how you found me" Johnny said.

Thomas looked into his eyes, searching for lies but found only the truth and sighed "You need to go back, it's not safe here" Johnny raised a brow "Um...so should you guys...I prefer I'd rather stick around with you two, I always seem to bump into one of you on occassions" Arwen beamed.

"It would be nice to have another company aside from my brother" Thomas feigned hurt as Arwen brushed pass him with Johnny in tow.

"So where are you two heading?"

Johnny asked and Thomas pondered for a moment before answering "We're heading to my friend's hotel" Johnny looked around with a puzzled look.

"In the middle of the forest?"

"Some people like seclusion man"

Johnny nodded, oblivious to the tension that was brewing. Arwen inhaled for a breath if fresh air before she suddenly asked out if the blue.

"Do I smell smoke?"

Johnny lifted his head up and sniffed the air "I don't smell any smoke BUT I do see that!" He pointed to a glowing ember of fire and Thomas quickly left the two, leaving them coughing up dust.

"Man, your brother must have training to run like that"

Arwen shrugged "My brother tends to surprise people" The two quickly jogged to where Thomas had gone too only to see weird looking people...on fire.


Johnny gasped in delight and in awe while Arwen was in the complete opposite.

Oh Bloody Rose, those were monsters.

Never had Arwen seen or witness another monster in her life as a child, her brother made sure of that, until now.

Johnny made a move to follow before Arwen pulled him back "Um...is it even wise to follow them...?" Johnny gave her a confused look.

"What happened to your adventurous spirit Arwen?"

Arwen looked at Johnny before back at the slowly disappearing monsters before shrugging and walked in front of him.

"Let's get this over with!"

Johnny fist pumped the air.

Arwen rolled her eyes before she and Johnny ran after the blazing people. Arwen held out her hands in front of her when darkness began to seep in.

"Johnny...you still with me?"

She felt a warm hand on her shoulder "I can't see clearly and its making me trip over rocks" arwen nodded before she felt herself trip and stumbled forward at the edge of the tunnel.


"You okay?"

Arwen waved him off before standing up and brushing the dirt on her pants.


The two of them gasped when they found themselves standing in front of a very large castle.

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