First Meeting

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The first time they met Johnny was a chance at meeting. Arwen and her brother had gone to Taj Mahal to meet a monster that could send them to Transylvania.

It was around night time when Arwen noticed a boy carrying a large back pack taking photos on his phone around the Taj Mahal.

"What are you doing here?"

The young boy gasped in surprise and whirled around to look who was behind him. Arwen waved nervously as the young male blinked at her.


The boy snapped out of his daze and gave her a wide smile "Well hey there, my name's Jonathan but my friend's call me Johnny and I was just taking photos" Arwen blinked. It was night time, don't humans like him should be sleeping already?

"I will just be here in a few short minutes. Gotta take a lot for a guy like me to travel around the world"

Arwen beamed "You're an explorer?" Johnny shrugged "You could say I am, I'm heading to Transylvania tomorrow" Arwen gasped in surprise.

"So are my brother and I"

"What a coincidence!"

"What is going on here?"

The two whirled around to see Thomas with his hands on his hips. Johnny blinked, if that was her brother, they clearly don't look alike in many ways.

"Tom! This is Johnny and he's an explorer, he's heading to Transylvania just like us!"

Thomas blinked before narrowing his eyes on Jonathan who felt uncomfortable at Thomas's intense gaze.

"Good to know, Arwen I might be here for the whole night so you can go back to the hotel while your at it"

Arwen frowned before her eyes brightened "Why don't I show Johnny the views here?" Johnny grinned and Thomas looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

"Please's boring back at the hotel"

Thomas sighed and waved his hands and Johnny took note of how long and sharp they were "Alright fine, you can go with Joanna here" Johnny made a move to tell him that his name's Jonathan but then Thomas gave him a hard glare.

"Make sure she returns to me in one whole piece. If anything happens to her, you will pay for this"

Johnny nodded in reply and Thomas swiftly turned and walked off, disappearing into the shadows of the place.

"Your brother's creepy. No offense though!" Was the first thing Johnny said and it made Arwen giggle "Enough about him, come one, I'll show some of the best views here!" Arwen said, pulling Johnny by the arm.

The two spent the rest of the night taking photos and trying out new food for Johnny. There was one time a guy nearly hit Johnny with a flower pot if Arwen hadn't noticed it coming.

"I guess we just messed up sleeping beauty"

Johnny giggled and Arwen burst out laughing "What are you gonna do once you get to Transylvania?" Arwen asked and Johnny pondered for a moment.

"I'm gonna go mountain climbing and see a few sights before heading back to my folks in California. What about you?"

Arwen rubbed her hands together "My brother and I were planning to permanently stay in one place he had heard from his friends" Johnny nodded before Arwen yawned.

"My brother should be done by now"

Johnny yawned and stretched his arms "I guess we have to go too, this human needs his sleep" Arwen chuckled before she and Johnny walked back.


Thomas was already waiting for them when they got back "Good the two of you are here. Arwen, I got the things we need for oir plane trip to Transylvania" Arwen looked at her brother then at Johnny before a thought slipped pass her.

"Johnny is comming with us!"



Johnny smiled while Thomas looked horrified at the answer "Baby Fangs, remember what we talked about between..." Thomas gestured to his sharp claws and fangs sticking out and Arwen rolled her eyes.

"It would take Johnny less time to go get a ticket and I can see you have an extra ticket"

Thomas gave her an unsure look. It had been more than centuries since the humans drove the monsters into hiding and he wad still unsure of the humans in the 21st century despite them obviously celebrating monsters.

Arwen frowned at her brother's hesitation and gave him her best puppy dog eyes "Please..." Johnny was quick enough to follow her act.

Thomas groaned at the two before giving in "Fine, Joanna can come with us" Johnny frowned "The name's Jonathan" Thomas waved him off nonchalantly.

"Come now Arwen, we must get ready for our flight tomorrow night"

Arwen grinned then waved at Johnny who waved back at her with enthusiasm.

"See you soon Johnny!"

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