The Count

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It was amusing for Arwen to see Dracula rather dramatically explain the origin of this hotel and Johnny summarized it as a hotel for monsters, quickly killing the mood.

However, she found it not amusing to see Johnny being carried out of the window by Dracula in his bat form out of the window.

"You can't just go batman on us and expect us to let you escort Johnny out!"

Arwen screamed and Dracula raised a brow while flapping his wings as he hovered Johnny on air "Batman...?" Arwen blinked then reminded herself that the guy she idolized doesn't involve himself in human tech.

Johnny, in the meantime, began rambling on and on about Dracula being a bat and asking about what happened to his clothes then changed topic to Frankenstein to the Invisible Man and his hand disappearing if he stuck it in his mouth.

Unfortunately, Mavis had just flew pass by and saw the four of us in a predicament.


Mavis greeted enthusiastically. Dracula stopped in his flight and Arwen stopped pulling Johnny by the pants which made Thomas pull her back in the room.

"Mavis!, wh-what are you doing her my sweet little blood orange? We were just leaving"

"Yeah...he was flying me out of the window"

Dracula laughed a little sheepishly before he flew back into the window and pushed Thomas, Arwen and Johnny towards the door making an excuse that there was something on Johnny's face.

"Play along if you ever want to see your precious back pack..." Dracula growled and Johnny nodded quickly in agreement before giving Thomas and Arwen warning looks as Mavis entered the room.

"Woah! So your clothes like disappear when you transform or were they bat sized?"

Was the first thing Johnny asked. Arwen slapped a hand over her head in annoyance and groaned before Mavis looked at her father in confusion.

"Who exactly is that? I mean, I've already met Uncle Tom's sister but not him"

"Wait! You are a monster?!"

Johnny gasped and Thomas nodded while Arwen leaned into Johnny's ear "I am 100% human by the way and don't worry. He's harmless" Thomas glared down at her.

Dracula tensed up for a few seconds and made a short sound before sharply turning to Mavis "Honeybat, you see its your birthday so I was thinking of hiring someone closer to your age to help plan the party" From the way Mavis' eyes brightened up, Arwen could guess she never had someone in her age.

And she and Johnny were way below her age.

"You're at my age?!"

She asked with a toothy smile looking at Johnny before looking at Arwen "I am not at his age. I'm actually around the 289" Arwen answered which was true. Since her brother was half of a witch, it was easy enough for him to make something to help Arwen live long like him.

"How old exactly are you?"


Mavis answered with a smile. Johnny's mouth dropped open in surprise "One hundred and -" Dracula jabbed him in the stomach to silence him enough. Mavis frowned for a bit before Johnny corrected himself.

"Yeah! Uh...I'm 121"

Mavis' eyes brightened "Really?" Johnny merely nodded, too much in pain to even say anything. Dracula gave him a relieved smile "You see...I'm planning the party and he's helping" Thimas raised a brow and crossed his arms, deciding to play a little with Drac.

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