Birthday Disaster

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Arwen shot up from her bed and wildly looked around. Was there an attack in the hotel or an emergency?

The screaming continued until her gaze went to the skull telephone on her nightstand. Arwen grimaced and picked the phone up "When was this wake up call installed?!" Arwen asked snappy.

"Count Dracula arranged it for all the rooms"

Arwen groaned and placed the phone down and covered her head with a pillow to get some more sleep.

The Count really didn't bother to point out the fact that I was busy and I am dead tired.


On the grounds of the castle, a young witch was trimming the plants when she heard a crash from a window above her and gave a short scream when a skull telephone suddenly landed on the plants.


Arwen yawned and stretched her arms up as she felt her bones crack from the pressure when she heard the ruffling of clothes inside Mavis' room.

"Is Mavis up?"

Arwen asked the beheaded head on the doorknob "Oh she's up and by up I mean bustling around like a busy bee tryin' to find the right clothes for her birthday to impress a certain Stein" Arwen blinked before knocking.

"Mavis can I come in?"

No sooner had Arwen asked that, she felt a whoosh and she was suddenly inside a rather cloth mess room. Clothes were thrown everywhere and it was ranging from the light color grey to the darker black.

"Um...what a mess..."

Was all Arwen said and Mavis groaned as she flopped on her bed and looked at the ceiling while Arwen leaned on a wall just a few paces from the door.

"I want to try another style for my 118 birthday. I want to stand out for a bit from the crowd -"

"All to impress Johnny?"


Mavis was quick to shot down what Arwen stated, making the mage confirm that this was more than just having a 'new style'.

"Don't worry Mavis, I think you just need to look like yourself although with a few minor adjustments."

Mavis gave her a puzzled look while Arwen quickly grabbed a sewing kit and some black fabrics.


Thomas sleepily trudged his way to the showers he was sharing with Griffin and when he got to there, he and Griffin let off a scream.


Thomas covered his eyes and Griffin, forgetting that he was invisible, covered his manly parts.

"I didn't see anything!"

Thomas quickly said, not wanting to aggravate Griffin who finally realized that his entire body could not be seen except for his butt that was covered with powder.

Griffin quickly left the bathroom and Thomas sighed as he felt the sleepiness melt from the heat of the shower.

Though he doubt he could look at the mirror the same way.


Arwen and Johnny looked over at the last preparation for the party and grinned "This is gonna be the best night ever!" Johnny said and Arwen high fived him.

"Oh! Wear something casual in the party Johnny. Something laid back for Mavis"

Johnny gave her a suspicious look "Is there something I should know about?" Arwen merely giggled and shook her head.

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