The Talk On Zing

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Arwen wanted to march down the hallways and give the Count pretty much a mouthful of insults for him.

Today was the day Johnny was leaving and what was worse is that Mavis didn't know bat shit what the heck is going on.

How am I going to explain to her that Johnny is no longer here.

There was also the issue of her intense emotions when she is near the Count. Dare she could say his name, she would feel something scalding hot burst from within her.

A knock made Arwen turn to face the door to meet her brother with a serious look on his face "Hey bro, what are you doing here?" Thomas coughed and gave her a stern look.

"It's time for you to know something I should have told you when you first met Dracula"

The serious facade faded and an awkward Thomas was now present as he groaned "I can't believe I'll be the one talking to you about this" Arwen raised a brow at what her brother was saying.

Usually when her brother becomes awkward it was mostly because the topic he is speaking either embarrassing for him or something her innocent ears were not allowed to hear.

"Say it then..."

Thomas sat down on her bed and patted the empty space beside him which Arwen complied and sat down beside him.

"Do you know what a zing is?"


Arwen had heard of the term zing and it was mostly from married monsters.

"Only that it is used for married monsters"

Thimas frowned then nodded "Of course there's that but a Zing is something that goes deeper in general underatanding" Arwen tapped her foot impatiently.

"It is basically meeting your other half or what humans call as soul mate, you would feel your emotions going haywire when you are near your zing and it is basically like true love to humans only much more deeper for monsters"

Arwen's mind had gone blank from Thomas' lecture and found herself reminiscing the times she would feel her emotions what her brother was describing about and that happens whenever the Count was near.

"Spiders and Cobwebs!"

Arwen gasped and her hands went to her face "You mean to tell me that I ZINGED with Count Dracula!" The name sent fiery flames dancing around her stomach.

Thomas rubbed the back of his head "That's what I am speculating..." Arwen breathed out deeply before she perked up.

"I thought you only zing once. At least, that's what I heard from other monsters we met and Mavis said Dracula already has a wife"

"Had a wife..."

Concern began to ooze from Arwen as she looked at her brother's slump form "Thomas...what exactly happened to Dracula's wife?" Thomas shook his head, hand landing on her shoulder.

"He'll tell you someday, it's not my place to tell"

Another knock came and Thomas gave her a look "Where you expecting visitors?" Arwen shook her head "Not that I know of" Thomas opened the door slightly only for it to be swung open and squishing him in the wall.

Arwen gasped when Wanda and Eunice came in with smiles on their faces as they stalked over to her.

"Hello dear, Wanda and I noticed how tense you were back at the pool party and we were wondering if you'd like to join us in a private sauna relaxation" Thomas pushed the door away from him and rubbed his face with a pained look on his face.

"I think I'm the one that needs that. You girls need to watch where your opening doors"

Eunice crossed her arms sassily while Wanda gave him an apologetic look "So you hurt yourself with a piece of wood -" Thomas fumed and felt his nostrils flare.

"Piece of Wood?! That door has metal straps nailed to it!"

"Break it up guys!"

Arwen screamed, pushing her brother and Eunice away "Why don't yoy join Drac and the others on their own private sauna while we girls enjoy the spa" Wanda suggested and Thomas begrudgingly walked out.

"Don't worry for Dracula seeing you out. The spa is one floor up from the boys"

Arwen smiled before grabbing her things and following after the girls.


The mud bath was very relaxing especially if the mud was warm. Also it was surprising enough for her that the tools she knew humans used to torture people were actually very good tools for unwinding the body.

I doubt the humans would think of me as crazy when I say I use these for relaxing.

This caused her to giggle inwardly as the three sighed in contentment "So how is your stay here in the hotel?" Wanda asked and Arwen shrugged.

"Nothing out of the usual. It has been so long since I relax though"

"No kidding, the way your bones cracked when we first started makes me think you hadn't had one in a century"

Eunice said and Arwen laughed before lowering her head to the mud so only her nose and eyes were seen.

After a moment of relaxing silence, Eunice blurted out "I am curious though, what has been going on between our dear Arwen and Dracula" Arwen's head shot up from the mud as she spat out.


Mud splayed across but Eunice and Wanda payed no mind "You and Dracula" Wanda saidwith a smile "What's going on with the two of you? Do you like him or what?" Arwen shook her head rapidly.

"Are you kidding me? The guy is controlling and I am a free spirited girl. He is also emotionless as a rock sometimes...but he is"

That sounded way better in my head. Literally.

Wanda and Eunice shared secret smiles "You should really give him a chance sweetheart. He's been lonely ever since Martha died" Arwen raised a brow.

There they go with the Martha name. I wonder if she is The Count's wife and of so...what happened to her and how did she..die?

A lot of questions were brewing over Arwen and they were mostly of this Martha mystery lady that she barely heard Eunice talking.

"He'd be an idiot not to see how special you are - are you listening Arwen?"

Arwen blinked then gave Eunice a sheepish look "Sorry, I was thinking about something" Arwen stood up and walked out of the tub.

"I think I want to try the iron maiden this -"

Before Arwen could even finish, the ceiling above her gave way and the first thing Arwen saw was a something blue then the familiar scream of Johnny as the ground beneath her gave way also and they both fell.


Wanda and Eunice gasped.


If fate was mocking him, Dracula sure knew they had the perfect timing.

Johnny fell onto Thomas who stared at him in surprise and let out a small noise at the back of his throat.

Dracula felt something warm land on him and he instinctively held onto that warmth.

That warmth was actually Arwen and the warmth she was radiating off was her skin. The two blankly stared at each other as the room suddenly feel getting a little hotter than normal and if it wasn't for Wayne insistently coughing and nudging Dracula...

The Count doubt staring at her would be the last thing on his mind right now.

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