Hotel Transylvania

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Arwen and Johnny gaped at the sight of the huge castle like house "Now that's medieval!" Johnny commented as he took a photo with a flash, snapping Arwen from her trance.

"Come on Arwen, I can't wait to see the inside!"

"Johnny wait!"

Arwen made a move to stop Johnny when she felt a cold hand grasp her. Arwen turned to see the furious look of her brother.

"I thought I told you to stay with Johnny!"

Arwen crossed her arms in defiance "If I recall brother, you said to stay with Johnny so I followed him here" Thomas groaned and began rubbing the bridge between his nose.

"Wait a minute, where is Johnny?"

Arwen turned to see Johnny not by her side and cursed "He must have gone inside" Thomas shook his head "I wonder how the boy will react when he realizes that they are monsters" Arwen was already one step ahead of him as she barged through the doors to see Johnny flying crazily on a witch's broomstick.

A mariachi band was playing a very upbeat song as they followed through Johnny's screaming.

"Oh no Johnny!"

"That kid is going to get himself killed!"

Thomas said as he began running after Johnny. Arwen was quick to make sure that all monsters were out of the way as the boy zoomed pass them.

Arwen turned around only to accidentally bumped into someone wearing dark clothes with a cape "Excuse me!" Was all she said before running up the stairs as fast as she could.

Arwen's eyes went wide as she saw Johnny spiraling down a curtain on the ceiling before heading to the direction of what appeared to be a pregnant werewolf and a young vampire.


Arwen said as she made a move to shove the two away as Johnny flew towards them at top speed, screaming for warning.

Arwen felt her breath knocked out as she felt the body of the vampire girl collide with her and she was suddenly sailing to the ground had it not been for someone to catch her from hitting her head.

"Ouch...thanks m-man..."

Bright blue eyes met silvery grey as a flash of purple crossed their eyes and their mouths dropped open in surprise.


Arwen felt herself being carried away at least five feet away from the man as her brother began to hastily check her for injuries. A low growl was all she heard from the man as her brother fussed over her "Your not hurt are you?" Arwen shook her head before her gaze darted to Johnny.

Only for him to disappear with the man.

"Tom, Johnny's in trouble!"

Thomas turned and caught sight at the fallen vampire girl and groaned in annoyance.

"He should be...can't believe he would crash land into his daughter..."

Arwen turned to stare at the vampire "That's his daughter?" Thomas nodded absentmindedly and Arwen took that chance to introduce herself as she helped the vampire girl up.

"Hello, my name is Arwen and I deeply apologize for the...incident with Johnny"

The girl turned to look at Arwen with confusion on her face "Johnny...? Wait, are you human?!" Her voice raised an octave and Arwen began to panic. Already the monsters were looking at her.

"No, I'm not human...I'm-I'm..."

Before Arwen could come up with an idea, Thomas beat her to it "Mavis! So nice to see you again, this is my sister whom I told you is studying to become a mage!" Thomas practically shoved Arwen behind him.

Mavis smiled a little as her eyes brighten up "Uncle Thomas, nice to see you again!" Thomas waved her away "I can't miss the important night of your life, my little Bed Bug" Arwen blinked in confusion.

"Is there something I am missing here? You two know each other?"

Thomas chuckled as he wrapped an arm around Mavis "Mavis, meet my sister Arwen and sis, this is Mavis Dracula" Arwen's eyes went wide.

"A Dracula?"

Mavis nodded "Everyone freaks out at first when I say that I'm Dracula's daughter" Arwen shook her head before she took Mavis' hand and clasped them together with her own.

"I have heard so much from your father, he has quite the reputation in the human world"

And she meant it, every Halloween Night with her brother, she always see nearly half of the kids population dressed up as Dracula.

Mavis' eyes went wide "So the humans are hunting down my father?!" Arwen blinked in surprise.

Hunting down? Wha...

Thomas shook his head and Arwen hastily nodded "Of course! I mean...he is known for being immortal and dangerous at night" Mavis frowned "Well, he always seemed a bit...down whenever someone talks about mom..." A deep sadness began to flush over Mavis' eyes before Thomas coughed.

"I'm sorry you had to relive that moment sweetie bat but Arwen and I have got to catch up with your father!"

Mavis smiled before waving goodbye as Thomas carried Arwen away into the hallways.

"I was actually talking to Dracula's daughter!!!"

A wide smile was bursting through my face and Thomas grinned slightly at my enthusiasm "I know how much you idolize him but first we have to find Johnny" At that point, she heard loud growls and high pitched screams that only belonged to a person with really powerful lungs.

"I think we found him"

Thomas said flatly and Arwen, not bothering to acknowledge the beheaded head hanging outside the door before Arwen found herself staring at Johnny hanging on the curtains of the bedroom post.

And Count Dracula sitting at the edge of the bed on a trunk.

Lord of the afterlife...

"Hey Drac"

Thomas suddenly called out nonchalantly.

Arwen tensed up as her silvery grey one met bright blue once again. Johnny snapped his head over them and made a mad dash at Arwen. Hugging her tight, Johnny practically huddled over Arwen.

"Heads up you two. That guy's Dracula!"

Thomas rolled his eyes before walking up to Dracula and shaking hid hand "Nice to see you again Drac" Dracula, who was currently glaring at Johnny, turned to Thomas with a wide smile.

"Good to see you again old friend"

Johnny leaned against Arwen's ears "Does your brother know Dracula?" Arwen shrugged "I'm as much as in the dark as you are" Johnny nodded before scooting away from Arwen.

"Drac, this is Arwen, the sister that I was talking about. Arwen this is Drac, the man who I wanted you to meet"

Arwen gaped at him before crossing her arms and giving him the stink eye.

"Tom, is this why you never told me who exactly was the name of the guy just that he was a count?!"

"Tom, your sister is a human?!"

Dracula and Arwen yelled at the same time in anger. Johnny held hus hands up in surrender while Thomas shook his head.

"You two really fit so well together..."

Dracula and Arwen looked at each other before shaking their head in denial "She's human and I am a monster" Dracula said and Arwen nodded ignoring the sudden sting in her chest when he said that.

Johnny coughed to gain their attention "Um...can I ask you guys something...what exactly is this place?" Dracula, Thomas and Arwen looked at him blankly.

"You're in Hotel Transylvania"

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