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Thomas had gone from his room to pace around and to think of the events that happened a few moments ago up until now when he knew Arwen was still bothered by the events that happened.

"How would you even know? You're only just a -"


Thomas wanted to be angry towards Drac for making Arwen feel as if she doesn't belong in the community of monsters when she had already earned her rightful place.

He groaned and rubbed his temples before deciding to have a quick visit to Arwen and when he did arrive there, he saw her furiously packing her stuff.

"Where are you going?"

"Where does it look like I am going? I am heading back to the Council. I can't stand this Hotel any longer than it is necessary"

"I understand that you are hurt by what -"

Arwen breathed deeply and held out a hand for silence which Thomas quickly shut his mouth, not wanting to anger his sister more.

"He has a point Tom. I am not like you or any of those in the Council, I am just a human and did you even know how people like to talk behind my back about me?"

Thomas winced "You know I said I raised you because I saw something within you. Well now, I don't see it anymore" Arwen frowned and sighed.

"I just need yo get away from it all for a moment brother. Just until I clear my mind off of things and HIM"

Arwen said bitterly before walking towards the window and disappearing in a flash against the moonlight.

Thomas sighed before slumping on the bed before he heard the sound of the door opening and turned to see Johnny with his backpack already on.

"Hey man, is Arwen around? I'd like to have a final human goodbye before I leave"

Thomas grinned sadly "She left a few seconds ago Johnny. I am sorry" Johnny blinked in shock "Woah...I thought she'd be staying here until things cool off in the Hotel" Thomas shrugged his shoulders.

"She always was picked on by kids when she was just a toddler because she was human but she managed to perform spells over time but she still feels like as if her being human is what makes her apart from us"

"But we all look the same at some point. I personally think you guys are awesome and can feel what humans feel. It's not the outside that counts, it's on the inside..."

Thomas smirked and crossed his arms  "You sound so smart..." Johnny waved him away "Nah, I just remembered that quote when I was browsing the net. You and Arwen should visit me sometimes, see ya later Tom" Thomas smiled sadly as Johnny closed the door.

He listened to the boy's fading footsteps before he answered back.

"I'll see ya later Johnny"


Early morning, the lobby was all a bustle with enraged monster guests and staff trying to be the first to check out, all of them shouting in anger and outraged about the events from last night.

"Bill! Bill!" shouted a pink Gillman, his eyes going wide as a zombie bellhop showed it to him, then shouted, "That's not MY bill!"

"Take my key! Take my key!" shouted a gargoyle, while Marty the palest Gillman blubbered loudly and all the other monsters continued shouting.

"What's this mini-bar charge?" Wayne asked, confused as he looked at the hotel charge.

"Honey, the kids threw the mini-bar out the window," Wanda told him calmly.

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