The Witching Hour

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Arwen stretched her aching limbs and stared into the moon, it was 3 AM and it was considered to be a witching night for her brother and herself.

It was an annual activity for the two to go out and create either good or bad luck to the humans nearby and this night - rather dawn - was just like any other night for her.

"Why are you still not asleep young lady?"

Arwen jumped and whirled around to see The Count looking at her from the window "Are you making a habit of yourself to spy on young women count?" Arwen couldn't help but be amused as Dracula tried to regain his cool.

" are the 2nd one"

Arwen raised a brow with her hands on her hips "Oh...and who was your first?" Dracula groaned with a roll of his eyes.

"Mavis tends to wander off by herself"

"Figured it was her"

Dracula stepped onto the carpet floor and watched as Arwen jumped and balanced perfectly on the railings.

"Where are you going? The sun is almost up and it's almost time for Mavis' birthday party"

Arwen shrugged her shoulders "It is the Witching Hour, every year the Council of The Wicked would set up a date of when the Witching Hour might be so we go out and spread some luck or bad luck to the living" Arwen said as if she was saying this to almost everyone.

"Might I see this Witching Hour of yours?"

Arwen raised a brow "You want to join me and my brother and a bunch of green old ladies?" Dracula shrugged.

"Help me take my mind off of things..."

Arwen shrugged then nodded "Go help yourself but don't interfere when we are doing our jobs alright?" Dracula nodded as Arwen jumped out of the balcony.

Dracula watched in fascination as he black wings emerged and she swiftly flew up towards him.

"Hope you can catch up old man!"

Was all she said before she zoomed away with a loud boom that nearly parted the water surrounding the castle.

A grin formed on Dracula's mouth.


Thomas and a few other witches were already at the meeting point and Arwen had arrived nearly just in time for the head to give the locations they should go.

"Why the heck did you bring him?!"

Thomas whispered to Arwen, pointing to Dracula in his bat form that was resting on her shoulders. Arwen shrugged in reply "He wanted to join in the fun" Thomas flared his nostrils.

"Fine but be wary that the sun us almost up"

"I promise I'll make sure that he will be back in the hotel without a sunburn"

Thomas nodded before he swiftly flew away with a group that was heading to wherever he was going.

"Well, time for work. Make sure you don't make a sound while the humans are sleeping"


Dracula watched as Arwen muttered something from her breath and the host glowing light pink.

"Light pink are for those with luck. The black ones are for the bad luck. Neutral is a mixture of both l. As a mage, I can easily shape shift and disguise myself should my host wakes from his slumber"

Dracula nodded as Arwen stretched before she flew up in the air "Well, we still have a few more houses to go and we have time to spare. What do you want to do?" Dracula pondered for a moment.

"Mavy Wavy and I would always play a game of hide and go seek up on the clouds..."

Arwen nodded in response before she quickly flew a little faster on their journey to finish off the last 3 houses she needed to put a spell on.


"Well, that's the last one" Arwen said as they flew up high above the clouds. Dracula flew a few paces before her and Arwen gave him a sinister look behind his back.

"Find me Count!"

Dracula turned in bewilderment to see the disappearing form of Arwen and her fading laughter from below the cloud line.

"Oh...hide and seek is on!"

Zooming through the clouds, the two played with fits of laughter and giggles and it annoyed Dracula sometimes when Arwen purposely made the clouds cover her whenever he got to close.

"Arwen! Come out, come out wherever you are you cheating devil!"

Arwen poked her head out of a cloud and grinned before forming a cloud ball and made a move to hit the bat in the back when he wasn't there any longer.

Confused, Arwen looked around only to look up seconds late to see Dracula swoop down and tackle her from above.

Losing her focus, Arwen felt her wings disintegrate and flailed her arms as air rushed pass her. Dracula instinctively transformed back into hus humanoid form and held her tight before levitating.

Carrying her bridal style, Dracula flew them safely over a cliff. Arwen breathed deeply before shoving the cloudball in front of his face.

"That was for scaring the bones out of me!"

Dracula sputtered and gave her a mean glare before the two threw in a fit of laughter "I never had this much fun ever since my wife died" Dracula said softly and Arwen frowned.

"Oh...sorry about..."

Dracula shook his head and smiled at her "No need to apologize, you made me realize how much I had missed doing this" Arwen grinned before her eyes went wide when the first rays of the sun was slowly rising.

"We have to go back before you really turn into bat barbeque"

Dracula nodded before the two quickly flew back towards the hotel with the feeling of giddiness inside.


Arwen wanted nothing more than to head for the covers to sleep away her exhaustion and to cower from the dark glare Thomas was giving her.

"I gave you specific instructions to come back before the first rays of the sun shines"

"I was busy..."

Arwen muttered and Thomas raised a brow "Busy have a Date with Drac?" Arwen's sleepiness disappears and the feeling of embarrassment rolled off in waves.

"No I wasn't!" Arwen squeaked and cringed at how easily spotted on she lied "You suck at lying girl. You know that right?" Thomas deadpanned and Arwen pouted and crossed her arms away.

"I have nothing to say to you"

Arwen said, shoving Thomas away and landing on her bed "Just looking out for you Arwen. I don't want you to get hurt especially if it matters concerning your feelings" Thomas and Arwen nodded in understanding.

"Sleep tight sister"

"May the bed bugs bite brother"

Arwen yawned as she fell asleep.

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