Table Wars

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Later that morning, Dracula angrily burst open the large doors to the ballroom, before realizing he was still wearing the towel he wore in the sauna.

Using his powers, Dracula quickly changed into his regular clothing and then entered the ballroom like nothing happened.

Johnny and Arwen followed him with frowns on their faces "I can't believe you stuck around, man. You don't get it. Bad things are coming your way!"
Dracula moved away in embarrassment as he tried to clear his head of that awkward moment of crashing into Arwen in his arms, placing his fingers on his temples and tried to calm down.

"I got to...I got to get my thoughts together" He took a deep breath, and then indicated to all the white cloth covered tables "Okay, you see these tables? You can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, Party Planner" He growled sarcastically at those last two words as he grabbed Johnny by collar.

Johnny groaned in annoyance "Fantastic I'm trapped in here now I know how your daughter feels" Arwen merely shoved Johnny lightly to get moving and began helping him with the tables.

"Why are you even here?" Arwen shrugged off Johnny's question "I doubt that you would be able to do this in about a day" Johnny smiled sheepishly at the hundred rows of tables.

"Guess not"

As Dracula stood by in the middle of the room, he smoothed out his ruffled hair. Then, loud scratching noises sounded around him.

Johnny was pushing the tables at random direction while Arwen easily levitated them by the use of her magic to a specific spot.

"Enough, enough! Stop, both of you!" he shouted as he rushed in front of Johnny. "Go to a corner, you're in a time out!"

"Time out?!" Johnny repeated angrily in offense "I'm a grown man!"

But Dracula used his powers to throw Johnny into a corner of the ballroom, and he telekinetically made him suck his thumb like a toddler and face the wall.

Arwen blinked when she turned and found herself face to face with Dracula "You can help me with the tables but DON'T make a sound" Arwen nodded and began to work.

"Okay" he announced with a clap of his hands. "Table 57, please move to position 23"

Johnny turned around to see a ghostly face appear on the table cloth and it floated to the spot where Dracula ordered with a gentle whoosh "Whoa!" he gasped "That is cool" Arwen made a shocked noise at the back of her throat.

"Face the wall" Dracula scolded to Johnny as the young boy was forced to face the corner again and he continued to order the ghost tables to arrange themselves the way he wanted.

"17 to 48...16 to 47...19 to 50."

While he wasn't looking, Johnny had freed himself of his thumb sucking and ran off to the other side of the room. He quietly counted out the tables, "17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23..." until he picked one he thought was right and hopped right on top one of it. "36, up!" he ordered, excitedly.

The ghost table gasped in surprise to see a boy on top, but it followed his orders. It rose high up with Johnny riding precariously on it and laughing crazily.

Arwen giggled at his display and bit her lip to stop laughing some more. Dracula had finally heard the human boy's excited laughter as he looked up to see Johnny riding the floating table in the air. "31 to 19!" he ordered, frowning.

This caused another ghost table to fly and hit Johnny's table so hard, it knocked him off and he bounced painfully down onto one floating table after another until he landed on one still table on the floor.

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