Pool Party Bonanza

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Arwen begrudgingly trudged down the hallway to the pool. After Thomas practically lecturing her of not using the things he taught her in her childhood and the thing with Dracula which made her laugh.

There wasn't a thing going on between the two of us. There's nothing going on.

Now that sent spiralling thoughts around Arwen. She knew that Dracula was a rather peculiar vampire and unlike his daughter who always shows her every emotion, he mostly gives them calm looks.

Why am I even thinking about this?

Arwen ran a hair through her head and didn't watch where she was going and ended up face planting herself to a opened door.

"Holy Rabies Arwen! I am so sorry!"

Arwen blinked and shook her head as her vision went sharp to see Mavis leaning over her with a concerned look on her face.

Arwen smiled and rubbed her head "Nothing broken or damaged Mavis, it's alright" Mavis looked up and down to see Arwen in a bathrobe.

"You're not wearing a swimwear?"

Arwen shook her head "I am merely hiding it until we reached the pool" Mavis nodded before she went back inside and came out 5 seconds later wearing a one piece black swimwear that fit her figure.

"I doubt Johnny will be able to take his eyes off you"

Arwen meant for that only in her head but she accidentally voiced it out and now Mavis was staring at her wide eyed and Arwen was mentally cursing that she had said that.

"Anyways...shall we go?"

Arwen asked, snapping Mavis out of her trance upon which the vampire princess grabbed her hand and literally flew across the hallway to get to the pool.


Johnny sat aimlessly with the Drac pack as he began telling them tales of his adventures out in the human world.

"Hey Johnny boy!"

Johnny turned to say a greeting to Arwen when his throat went dry and he suddenly found himself unable to formulate any words as Mavis sat down beside him with that dreamy smile of hers.

Why do vampires have to be so...perfectly inclined?!


Johnny managed to gurgle out and Arwen took that time to nearly spat out her laughter as she turned around and covered her laugh with a snort.


Mavis asked with confusion etched in her tone "I mean! You look lovely..." Johnny gulped and Mavis felt herself grow hot. Arwen grinned as she looked at the two lovebirds "I am just going to head over to the snack bar..." She said and walked away.

Looking down at the assorted food, she wondered which was consumable for humans.

Meanwhile Dracula was looking around for Johnny and Arwen when Thomas bumped into him "Hey Drac!" Thomas greeted and Dracula gave Thomas a tired smile.

"Good evening Thomas, where is your sister?"

Thomas was about to answer when Quasimodo bounded between the two men "Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula, Monsieur Thomas" Quasimodo greeted his master "May I make you both an omelet?" Dracula shook his head in answer.

"No, no, no. I'm not hungry" he said and Thomas nodded in agreement. Quasimodo frowned in disappointment when the Count turned him down but Esmeralda began sniffing the air and froze. She leapt onto Quasimodo's nose, squeaking in alarm.

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