Airport Race

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"We really need to renovate this hearse of yours if this is the space I am feeling!"

Thomas wheezed as the Drac Pack all squeezed into a hearse and drove crazily down the bridge. Wayne looked out a side window and let his tongue flap in the wind, like a happy dog going for a ride. The hearse exited the underground tunnel and entered into the haunted forest.

"Okay, so where am I going?" asked Griffin, as he drove the hearse through the haunted forest.

"The human world" Dracula replied with determination in his voice. "Before Arwen and Johnny are gone forever!" Murray made a stop motion in his hands before pointing to the direction of the sky.

"But what about the sun?"

Dracula looked outside, saw some bright sunlight through the heavy clouds and the shadows of the closely gathered trees. Murray had a point "I don't know. I'll just have to roll." He repeated Johnny's words in determination.

"He just rolls," Wayne supported with a roll of his eyes.


As they drove through the forest, Dracula explained his plan to the others "So we follow their footprints, until they run out. That's where you come in Wayne."

"Me?" the werewolf said surprised.


The vampire yelled as his sharp vision spotted something on the ground, an item he recognized very well.


He smiled widely as he got out of the car "I knew something would fall out of that backpack." He picked up the item; Johnny's dirty t-shirt, and sniffed it. He shouted in disgust when an awful smell reached his nostrils.

"Yeowch! That stinks!" Wayne then walked up to his vampire friend as he instructed the werewolf.

"Work your magic!"

"Wait, you want me to track the smell?" He questioned with a raised brow before shaking his head "No, no, no, my sniffing and tracking days are way behind me. Do you know how many diapers I've changed? How many number twos have destroyed this thing?" He pointed to his poor nose, then smiled as he said.


Wayne paced two fingers on his mouth and drew a sharp whistle. Thomas felt the others inside the hearse huddle up when they heard a short howl before a mass of werewolf pups came running towards the hearse with their claws and pointed teeth out.

"Down boy!"

Thomas scolded a young pup that appeared up on the roof while the others gave out small screams inside.

Back outside, Dracula blinked while Wayne attempted to let at least one of his pups sniff the shirt.


Picking up the shirt from Dracula, Wayne held it in the front "Now smell, smell!" Two pups walked up to him but instead of sniffing at the shirt...

"Not me, the shirt! The shirt!"

Wayne said in anger before Dracula asked casually "Do any if your kids still respect you?" Wayne pondered before beaming.

"Winnie! Front and Center!"

Amongst the crowd of her brothers, Winnie made her way through a small gap and walked up to her father before spatting out her binkie and taking a long sniff.

"He got into a car, an '86 Fiat," Winnie spoke, and then sniffed again. "It needs a little transmission work, but otherwise okay," she sniffed again as her dad and the vampire exchanged confused faces, "It drove to a tavern where she worked, and then drove through town to the airport, flight 497," she sniffed again, "8:00 AM departure."

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