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Family bonds are everything and family is always there to make sure they have the support and love the members in the family need...


"Miss Arwen, Sir Thomas, the High Council member, Lord Derek is coming here to visit the two of you and also your chosen suitor Miss Arwen..."



Except this family...


"Drac, Derek is one of the most powerful witches in the High Council!"

Thomas said with a raise of his hands to emphasize his point while Arwen crossed her arms in annoyance.

"And I am pretty sure he hates my guts since the day I walked into his life. No doubt his visit is merely a disguise to find out his true intentions. I bet my soul that he wants to see the baby"

Denis babbled in answer within Johnny's hold as the human male clutched his son closer.

"What do you suggest we do?"

Arwen's breath hitched as she looked at her brother in a stiff posture.

"Let's go family bonding..."
"You're joking right?"
More Silence
"You're not joking..."


A long awaited family bonding


A man towered over the two with his beady red eyes glazed over them in recognition.

"Hey Uncle Derek!"

Thomas grinned widely that Arwen swore his face was gonna tear off as he made an exaggerated motion to hug the witch.

"You still sound like a girl, boy"

Thomas' smile dropped and he scooted away from said uncle as he began to assess the young mage in front of him.

"And you aged..."

Arwen laughed in a hollow way as she glared at Derek with blazing eyes. She gave him a sickly sweet smile.

"Nice to see you too Derek. In fact, why don't you just not visit again. You look like you need more social contact than an isolated bat in a cave"


Mending bonds...



"That was in the past! Let it go because nothing will ever bring them back and you have a new family here in the now!"


And a little baby vamp


"Who's kid is this?"

Dracula and Arwen tensed up when Derek narrowed his gaze at an oblivious and smiling Dennis

"Hi! My name's Dennis!, my mom's Mavis Dracula and my father is Johnny"

Johnny, all dressed up in his ridiculously vampiric costume waved at the group before continuing his talk with Thomas.

"Why does he look like Aunt Kelly when she was already in her 1000?"

"Okay Derek! I am not going to have to talk about that nightmarish woman! Am I glad she's not here"

"You being here is already nightmarish to me..."

Derek mumbled before a big whoosh of air nearly knocked a few monsters over and blowing out a few candles and all eyes turned to the lone vampire in the doorway.

Dracula's father.

Dracula's father

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The Sequel is out. Check on my profile to read more.

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