My Zing

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"You okay back there Johnny!"

Arwen called as she glanced down at the boy who was strapped up in a nicely pink backpack similar to Johnny's.

"I'm fine....! Just need to hold in my stomach first!"

Johnny said with a slight smile before they were suddenly starting to descend at an increasing pace.


Sunlight poured in through Mavis's open window warming her room, but she avoided it while she sat to the side in a shaded part of her room and continued to cry with a broken heart.

All of a sudden, something crashed into her room and destroyed her vanity mirror and drawer cabinet, leaving behind a thick trail of dark grey smoke that filled her entire room.

Mavis coughed and waved her hand to blow the smoke away, and vaguely saw a familiar silhouette in the smoke as it slowly dissipated. "Dad?" she asked.

"Ohh…" Dracula softly groaned from exhaustion "I'm fine. Just… just a little sun burned" There was a small snort soon after "You could've just waited for a few hours in the hearse idiot" Mavis blinked back a shock.

"Arwen...? Thomas said you left"

A trail of hurt came at her tone as the smoke cleared and a frowning Arwen appeared.

"I wasn't going to leave forever. Just that I need to have some space to think things over with"

Just then, Dracula approached his daughter and gently took her hands, the burns on his pale skin and clothes gradually began to heal themselves again. "Honey" he said sadly to her.

"I always thought the worst thing ever would be seeing you go, but the worst thing is seeing you unhappy. Mavy, I want you to live your life."

A doubtful Mavis sighed, removing her hands from her father's gentle clasp "I don't know how I'm supposed to do that" The young vampiress looked away in sadness.

Arwen and Dracula glanced at one another a smiled.

"You know, Mommy already gave you her birthday present. Can I now give you mine?"

He went to his self-made crash site and picked up a large black and pink backpack with the hotel's logo on it, it was very similar to the one Johnny had.

"What do I need this for?" Mavis asked, confused.

With a smile, her father happily said as he turned it around "Oh, it comes with an accessory."

A grinning and a little green Johnny was smiling goofily at Mavis and Arwen wondered if half of it was because of Mavis and the other half was because of dangling dangerously on air with nothing to hold on to except the straps of the bag.

Mavis gaped in slight shock "You?"

"You" he replied, lovingly.

"Why are you back?" she asked.

Dracula released the hold on the backpack as Johnny approached her. She stared at him, scared and unsure as Arwen retreated to Dracula's side.

Johnny understood why, it was because he rejected her for her dad's sake, but at last he had the chance to confess the feeling is mutual. "Cause you're my zing, Mavis."

"I'm your zing?" Mavis repeated in surprised, but remembered last night. "But… you told me you hate monsters."

"Yeah... well..." Johnny groaned before he confessed "I was afraid your dad was gonna suck all the blood out of my body if I didn't say that."

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