Heart Talks and Rescue Operation

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Arwen wanted to scream through her gag at Quasimodo as she hanged with her hands tied on a chain above a boiling hot cauldron. If Thomas were here, she doubt that the crazy chef would get to life another day curse free.

Johnny did everything he could in his best efforts to shy away from the ever growing flames as Quasimodo slowly turned him round and round the fire like he was roasting a pig and not a human being.


Arwen growled low and made a point to wiggle herself around in anger, with her mouth gagged, she couldn't recite the spells they both needed to get out of here.

Also, where the devil was Dracula?


Thomas had wandered aimlessly around the halls of the hotel, l9oking for Arwen. She had promised him that they were to meet in the backyard grounds of the castle to practice her magic.

Hours had already pass and sue wasn't there.

"But why all the sudden interest? Every time we used to talk about love it was always 'Ew, Dad, that's gross' and 'Ew, Dad, I don't want to know about that.'" Thomas blinked as he turned to a corner and opened the door to find Dracula and Mavis.

"I don't know," Mavis sighed dreamily, while she stared up at the bust and stroked its cheek.

"Hey Drac have you seen Arwen? I can't find her anywhere"

Thomas called out and the Count tensed up in response. Oblivious to her father's sudden change of stature, Mavis walked up to her adopted uncle "I haven't seen her uncle Tom but we were just talking about her, right dad?" That seemed to snap The Count some sense as he nodded hastily.

Thomas gave him a weird look "Okay..." Just then, a guard burst through the library doors. "Sir, he made it into the kitchen!" Thomas and Mavis looked at the guard in puzzlement.

"Who made it to the kitchen?"

"He what?! What do I pay you for?!" Dracula shouted in frustration and then spoke gently to a puzzled Mavis "I'm sorry, Honey. I-I have to go."

And he was out the door in a flash while running past the guard. Thomas was quick to follow after the Count in confusion.

The guard followed him but then he came back to tell Mavis before leaving, "He doesn't pay me." The Daughter merely rolled her eyes at the statement.

"Drac what's going on?!"

Thomas called out as the count zigzag through the hallway and turned to a sharp corner.


Johnny gasped as he came out of the smoke and pleaded to the hunchback chef.

"Before you kill me, can I please talk to my backpack one more time? I don't wanna leave anything unresolved"

And I wish my brother were here so he can use your big fat head as his new bowling bowl.

Arwen thought angrily when she was suddenly lowered down to the point she could smell the acid of the cauldron that made her sick.

Suddenly the kitchen doors burst open and there stood a very angry Count Dracula and a very confused Thomas who immediately looked like he was about to kill someone in the next 20 seconds

"Bonsuir, Monsieur Dracula and Sir Thomas!" Quasimodo greeted the Count happily, but Dracula was clearly not in the mood for pleasantries and neither was Thomas as he removed the gag.

"Shut your hump hole!" Dracula snarled, as he put the fire out with a swish of his cape, knocking the chef down, and untied Johnny.

Thomas quickly untangled Arwen and the four would have gotten out if Quasimodo hadn't blocked the exit.

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