Chapter 4: Trapped

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Meanwhile at the bridge, people are walking and driving through to get out of the city. S.T.A.R.S members try to keep order on the people, along with Umbrella soldiers. They're being scanned to see if they're infected. A wall is built over the bridge. 

Man over loudspeaker: Move in an orderly fashion to security checkpoints. All citizens must pass through medical scanning. All family members must pass through security checkpoints together. Please proceed in an orderly fashion. Do not run.

On the other side of the wall, a man in a suit looks at a computer with a doctor. It shows that the entire city is sealed. 

Man 2: The city is completely contained, sir. Our troops have sealed all exits. The only way out is across this bridge.

He nods at him. Just then, a soldier on top of the bridge calls for him. 

Soldier: Sir! You better take a look at this.

He looks at him and climbs up the steps. He makes it to the top and he looks at the sight. Many people are on the bridge, trying to get out of the city. The crowd is yelling. Jill and Rebecca are on the bridge too. As they walk, they spot some friends of theirs. They make their way to them.

Jill: (To man) Move! (To friends) Peyton! (Whistles) Peyton! 

Rebecca: Richard! Brad! 

The three men see them too. 

Peyton: Valentine. Hey. Hey, Valentine. Chambers.

Richard: Rebecca! 

Brad: Jill! 

Jill: (Pushes crowd) Move! Police! Move!

Peyton: Hey, let them through. 

They make it to their friends. They all look at each other.

Peyton: Hey. Glad you're both here. We could use the help. 

Richard: Yeah. It's getting crazy here. 

Just then, Rebecca sees a man by them groan in pain and falls on the ground. A teenage girl kneels down to him. Everyone looks.

Girl: He has a weak heart. 

Soldier: Get away from him! Everybody, stand back!

The man continues groaning as the girl tries to help him.

Girl: Daddy!

Soldier: Get away from him! Get her away from him! Get her away! Get her off him!

Peyton walks to the girl as the others join him. He grabs the girl. 

Peyton: (To girl) It's okay. I've got you. It's okay. Come on. 

The man stops groaning and breathing. Peyton pulls her away from her father.

Girl: Daddy!

Peyton: It's okay, i got you. 

He hands her to Brad. Brad looks at the body. Then, the father's eyes open, but they're zombie eyes. 

Brad: Peyton, look out! 

The zombie then grabs Peyton's leg and bites on it. He screams in pain.

Peyton: Get him off! Get him off me!

Richard grabs the zombie and holds him by the neck. The girl screams in terror. The zombie tries to break free, but Richard's grip is strong. 

Richard: Jill, Rebecca, shoot him!

The two girls aim their guns at it, but Richard was in the way.

Rebecca: Richard, move your arm and head!

Richard nods and then, he lets go and elbows it. The girls then shoot the zombie in the head. From the top of the gate, the man in suit saw the whole thing. 

Man: (Talks on radio) It's here. It's reached the gate. 

Back below, the people panic a little and they move faster to get out. Rebecca patches up Peyton's leg. 

Jill: Why are you guys still here? You all should've got out while you had the chance. 

Peyton: These are our people, Jill. 

Richard: Yeah. We couldn't leave them, or you two. 

Brad: We had to stay and help out. 

The man in suit looks at one of his soldiers. 

Man: Close them.

Soldier: Sir? 

Man: Seal the gates. 

Soldier: Our men are still out there--

Man: Just do it. 

As a car drives through the gate, it starts to close. The people start to panic and run to it. Some soldiers make it through the gates. The gates seal up on the people. They bang on it. Jill, Rebecca, Peyton, Richard and Brad look up and they spot the man in the suit. A newswoman joins them. 

Brad: It's Cain. 

Cain: This is a biohazard quarantine area. Due to risk of infection, you cannot be allowed to leave the city. 

Newswoman: What the heck is going on here?

Cain: All appropriate measures are being taken. The situation is under control. Please return to your homes. 

Newswoman: You won't get away with this! 

The people ignore what Cain said. They continue banging on the gate, demanding them to let them out. Then, a gunshot is heard. Everyone jumps and looks up. They see Cain holding a gun. 

Cain: You have five seconds to turn around and return to the city. 

Brad and Richard glare at him. Cain looks at his soldier. 

Cain: Do it. (Walks down) 

Soldier: Use of live ammunition has been authorized. 

The other soldiers aim their weapons as the soldier counts down. 

Newswoman: They can't shoot people! 

Jill: (Shakes her head) They won't fire. 

Brad: No. We can't take any chances. 

Rebecca: He's right. 

Peyton: (To police officers and other members) Hey, get them back! 

Jill: Move!

Richard: Everybody, clear out! 

The people start to run back. As the soldier reaches one, the soldiers start firing. People scream and run faster. The soldiers stop firing and watch the people run back to the city. Meanwhile, back in the city, the undead are walking or limping around, growling and moaning. The rest of the police forces and S.T.A.R.S members form up in a street with three Umbrella soldiers and they make a stand against the undead. As they do, a man watches them. He has a pistol in his hand. He cocks it and continues watching the fight. Meanwhile, back at the gate, Cain walks down the stairs and talks on his radio. 

Cain: Squads three to seven are on full retreat. No, sir. Suppression measures have failed. We can't contain it. The infection is spreading faster than anyone could have anticipated. 

As he talks, he spots Dr. Ashford, who's coming at him on his wheelchair, away from a helicopter. 

Cain: Dr. Ashford. Shouldn't you be on the chopper?

Ashford: I'm not going. 

Cain: I was instructed to get you and the other scientists out of the hot zone. You're too important to Umbrella to be put at risk. 

Ashford: I'm not leaving without my son and daughter. 

Cain: I'm sorry, truly. But the city is sealed. They may have survived the crashes, but we couldn't find them anywhere. Even if they were still alive, I couldn't let them out. Not now. The risk of infection is too great. You must understand. 

Ashford: You do what you have to do. I'm staying. 

Cain just smirks and walks away. Ashford sighs and the helicopter takes off.     

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