Chapter 12: Final battle

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As the group leave the school, one of the phone booth outside the school rings. Naruto walks to it and answers. 

Ashford on phone: Let me speak to my kids. 

Naruto: I will, but first, you tell me how we're getting out. We already lost five members of our groups. 

Ashford on phone: There's a helicopter already being prepped. It takes off in 47 minutes. It'll be the last transport to leave Raccoon City before they detonate the missile. 

Naruto: I take it this helicopter won't be laid out especially for us. 

Ashford on phone: No. It has another purpose, but it'll be lightly guarded. 

Naruto: Where's the evac site?

Ashford on phone: May I speak to my kids now? 

Naruto looks at Angie and smiles as he hands her the phone. Adam is standing next to her as Naruto walks to his mom. 

Angie: Daddy?

Ashford on phone: Hey, sweetheart. Are you all right?

Adam: Yeah, we're okay, dad. Really, we are. When can we see you? 

Ashford on phone: Soon. These people are gonna bring you both to see me. I'll see you very soon. Put the boy's mom on. 

Angie hands the phone to Alice. 

Alice: Where do we have to go? 

Ashford on phone: The helicopter will be at city hall. I suggest you make haste. 

Alice nods, and hangs up. She tells everyone where they need to go. Alice's group takes the truck. She gets in the back with Carlos, and Naruto as L.J., Angie and Jill take the front. Adam, Rain, David, and Karen get in the back of the truck. Billy hot-wires another truck for his group. They all drive down the road to city hall. Carlos looks at Alice as she injects the antivirus in him.

Carlos: So, what are you injecting me with? 

Alice: The antivirus. The T-virus reanimates dead cells. Basically, bringing the dead to life. 

Naruto: Well, not fully. Or in a living human, it can cause uncontrollable mutation.

Alice: Or it can help her walk again, and help her brother see again, if the virus is kept in check with this. 

Carlos: Angie and Adam are infected?

Alice: Yes. The cellular growth is enough to regenerate them, but not enough to cause further mutation. 

Carlos: And they infected you and your son with the T-virus as well? 

Alice: Yeah. Along with Rain. But don't worry. We're not contagious. 

Carlos and Alice actually smiles at each other. Naruto looks between them. 

Naruto: How they got the antivirus was because of me. I have the cure in my blood. 

Carlos: Your blood is the cure? 

Naruto: Yep. And something tells me that Umbrella will try to recapture me for more study. 

Jill: (Hands Alice Terri's camera) Here. Tape the story. I'll see that it gets put to good use. 

Alice nods, and turns on the camera. The camera is facing her and Naruto.

Alice: My name is Alice. And this is my son, Naruto. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world. I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility called the Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. 

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