Chapter 7: Overwhelm and graveyard

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Back to where the police forces and the S.T.A.R.S members, they continue fighting the undead. The man that's watching them continues watching the fight. He sees some undead walking towards him. He aims his gun at them and shoots them in their heads. He looks back at the fight and sees the undead is about to overwhelm them. He sees three Umbrella soldiers about to retreat. He follows after them. The police officers and S.T.A.R.S members get overwhelm and eaten. 

Soldier: Pull back! Pull back! 

Soldier 2: (Sees the man) Hey, you! Come with us! 

He follows them and they move into an alley to escape the dead. They take down a couple of them as they move forward. 

Soldier: (Points to the right) This way. 

They move to the right and continue onward as the dead take control of the streets now. 

Soldier: (Talks on his radio) This is Olivera. We've been overrun. Request immediate chopper evac. 

They keep their weapons up as they walk down the alley. Little did they know, Dr. Ashford is watching them on his laptop from a camera on one of the buildings in the alley. Meanwhile, back with Alice, Naruto and their group, they walk through a graveyard. Terri takes some pills to calm herself down. 

Jill: We need to find somewhere to stop for a moment. 

Terri: Uh-uh. I don't think that's a good idea. There might be more of those...things. 

Alice: If there were more, we'd have seen them by now. 

Terri: (Looks at Alice) So you know what they are?

Alice: They're bio-weapons from the Umbrella labs beneath the city. 

Terri: How come you know so much about Umbrella? 

Alice: I used to work for them.

Rain: So did I. 

Naruto nods. They all stop for a moment to rest. Just then, Peyton groans in pain from his bite wound on his leg. Alice, Rain and Naruto look at him. Naruto takes out his pistol and points it at him. Jill points hers at him. Alice points hers at her. Everyone watches.

Jill: (To Naruto) Hold it. What do you think you're doing?

Naruto: He's been bitten. The infection's spreading. He'll become one of them soon. 

Peyton: I'm fine. 

Naruto: You should take care of him now. It'll be more difficult latter. Just one bite from these things, you'll become one of them. (Looks at Jill) You know that. 

Jill: No. If it comes to that, I'll take care of it myself. 

Everyone looks at each other. Naruto looks at his mother, and she looks at him. Naruto smirks a little as he lowers his weapon. Alice does the same.

Naruto: As you wish. 

Alice: (Looks at Peyton) It's nothing personal. But in an hour, maybe two, you'll be dead. 

Rain: And moments later, you'll become one of them. You'll endanger your friends, try to kill them, probably succeed. 

Naruto: (Sighs) We're sorry. That's just the way it is. 

Rebecca walks to Peyton and puts her hand on his shoulder. She looks at him. She comforts him. Just then, something comes out of the ground and grabs onto Terri's legs. She screams as she gets pulled down. Everyone looks around and sees the undead coming out of the ground from their graves. Jill runs to Terri and helps her. Alice kicks the zombie in the head. Brad throws a punch at another one. Naruto lets Kurama take control of him and let her help him fight them. Everyone begins to fight them. Alice, Rain, and Naruto use fast moves on the zombies. Jill uses her own moves too on them. Rebecca stays by Terri and protects her as Peyton hits one of them with his pistol. Naruto and Alice run together, and they start grabbing the zombies by their heads and snap their necks. Naruto kicks one in the chest and sends it flying towards a tree. It hits its head against the tree. Richard slams his shotgun's butt on one of their heads and crushes it with his foot as it falls down. Naruto makes clones of himself, and they all fight the zombies. Jill, Rebecca, Richard, Brad, Terri, and Peyton are shocked to see Naruto be able to do that. Terri films the whole thing on her camera. The clones all continue fighting. One zombies grabs Naruto, but he grabs it and throws it hard. Everyone just punches, kicks and throws the zombies around before snapping their necks. Alice kicks one and it slams its head against a tombstone and it breaks. She senses one behind her and kicks it in the face. Rain jump kicks one in the chest and sends it flying at a tombstone. Alice looks around and sees too many zombies. 

Alice: There's too many of them. 

Jill: Let's get out of here. This way! 

Jill and Richard help Peyton move faster as they all run. The clones continue fighting the zombies, holding them off for the group to escape. With the zombie that Alice kick at the broken tombstone, it lays by it with bugs all over its face. It lays by the words on the tombstone that says, "Rest in Peace".   

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