Chapter 13: Awaken again, and escape

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All Naruto is can is black. 

Kurama: Naruto? Kit, wake up. 

Naruto opens his eyes, and he sees he's back in his mind again. He stands back up, and looks at the cage. Kurama is looking at her with concern. He walks to the cage. 

Naruto: Kurama, am I dead?

Kurama: No, you're not. You're still alive, but Umbrella has captured you again, along with your mother. I don't know about Rain and the others. Something tells me they got away after the helicopter crashed. 

Naruto: How long ago was this?

Kurama: Three weeks. Umbrella is experimenting on you again for the cure, and your powers and strength, as well as me. 

Naruto: (Growls) I really hate these people. Did you see what they did to Matt? And to Angie and Adam's father?

Kurama: Kit, calm down. I know you're angry. I'm angry too. But we need that anger later, or in a few minutes. You're about to wake up. And I can feel that your mother is about to wake up too. Remember, use your anger on them. 

Naruto looks at her, and puts his hand on the cage. She puts her head near his hand. She is giving him some of her powers. And then after that, he walks away from the cage. 

Kurama: Give them what they deserve, Kit. And make them know what true power and fear tastes and feels like. 

Naruto smirks at this. And a bright light shines on him, and he opens his eyes again, meaning he is waking up. He looks around, and he sees he's in a room. He looks at himself, and all he's wearing is black boxer. He then begins to feel Kurama's power inside him. A camera is watching him. Suddenly, Naruto hears someone talking. 

Man's voice: Look at him. He truly is magnificent. He's more like a weapon animal, living off instinct. 

Naruto frowns at this. He is not a weapon, or an animal. 

Naruto: I am not...a weapon...or an animal.

Man's voice: Wait! How did he--?!

Woman's voice: Oh, gosh! William, he can hear us from the camera! 

Naruto: I'm not an animal or a weapon! I am a human being!

Naruto begins to glow red. His teeth sharpen, his whisker scars blacken, and his eyes turn red. 

Naruto: You...did this to me! You hurt me and my mother! Where is she?! Where's my mom?! 

William's voice: Security! We need security!

Naruto then looks at the door. He roars, and charges at it. He breaks down the door. He looks around, and starts running down the hall. He sniffs the air, trying to find his mom. He senses her on the floor below. He runs to find the staircase. He finds one, and runs downstairs to the next floor. He looks around, and hears people talking. He runs to the voices, and sees his mother, all wet and wearing a towel. He slowly walks to the room, quietly. He sees his mother is confused, but is trying to remember. 

Alice: My name. My name. 

Naruto then spots a doctor with scientists. He recognizes him. He's one of the men that was with Cain. Dr. Issacs. Alice suddenly speaks with a serious tone. 

Alice: My Alice. And my son's name is Naruto. 

Dr. Issac and the people in the room all look at her with shocked looks on their faces. Naruto then comes into the room, snarling with a grin, shocking and surprising of his appearances. 

Naruto: And we remember everything, including you, Dr. Issacs. 

Alice then grabs a pen from one of the scientists, and almost stabs him in the eye with it, but stops only inches away from his eye. Then, she elbows him in the face, knocking him out. She knocks out another scientist, and a guard. Naruto then grabs Issacs, and slams him against the glass, shattering it, and knocking him out. The other scientists all run to get away from them. Another guard then shoots tasers at Naruto and Alice, hitting them in their shoulders. But to his shock, the tasers aren't hurting them. Naruto growls angrily as he and his mother ripped the tasers off, and throw them back at the guard. They hit him in the face, and he falls down on the floor while getting shocked. Alice and Naruto then walk down the hall, holding hands. As they enter first floor, Naruto spots a camera, and he can hear a guard. 

Guard's voice: This is central. Request immediate backup. Maximum response. 

Then the alarm goes off. They both stop as they hear it. They both look at the camera, and smirk, like they can see the guard. Naruto can see blood coming out of his nose, and eyes, from loud ringing in his ears. The guard is groaning in pain and agony as Naruto and Alice continue smirking. Then, the guard falls down dead. Naruto and his mother continue walking. Alice finds a lab coat, and puts it on. They exit out of the building, and outside greeting them is a lot of soldiers with guns pointing at them with laser sightings. Naruto snarls, but before he could try anything, a jeep pulls up. The leader soldier sees this as the soldiers turn off the lasers. Coming out of the jeep is people they know. Jill, Rebecca, and Carlos, wearing suits. L.J., and Billy come too, wearing Umbrella soldier uniforms. 

Jill: Thank you, gentlemen. We'll take over from here. 

Soldier: On whose authority?

Carlos: Classified. Level six authorization. (Hands him a paper)

Soldier: (Looks at it, and nods) Sorry, sir.

Carlos looks at Alice and Naruto with a look. Naruto turns back to normal as the soldiers all stand take. Rebecca takes them both, and leads them to the jeep. Everyone gets in the jeep, and L.J. drives away from the building. They come to a checkpoint. A guard walks up to them, and Carlos shows his papers. As the guard looks at them, a phone rings. The guard walks to it, and answers it. Naruto listens.

Dr. Issacs' voice: Let them go. 

Naruto frowns at this. Why would he tell them to let them go? 

Carlos: Good to have you back. Both of you. 

Naruto: But how did you find us?

Rebecca: Saw the chopper take off with you after they recovered you. It took some time to come up with a plan, but it looks like you both handled it. 

Then, from behind, Angie pops up with Adam. 

Angie: Are you both all right?

Naruto: Yeah, we're fine. 

Adam: Yeah, we found these in your pack, Naruto.

Adam shows Naruto his three toys. Naruto smiles, and takes them. He holds them close to his chest. He was afraid he lost them. Naruto suddenly feels pain in his head, and he clutches his head. Alice sees this, and holds him close, trying to comfort him. 

Jill: What did they do to you both?

Naruto: (Grunting, shakes his head) Nothing. We don't know, but something tells me, it's only the beginning. 

Naruto's eyes suddenly flash the Umbrella logo for a second, along with his mother, but no one notices it. 

Billy: Let's get out of here. The others are waiting for us. 

Naruto looks at his mother, and she looks at him. They both then look outside. The jeep then drives away from the Umbrella facility, and into the city of Detroit. Little do they know, Umbrella put something in them to keep track of them. In the building, a scientist couple walk into a room. On their lab coats, their last names are Birkin. 

Woman: William, what do we do now? 

William: We let him go. Something tells me that we'll be seeing the boy soon. Don't worry, Annette. Things are going to plan. 

Annette looks at her husband, and nods. The scene changes and zooms out of the earth and into space. An Umbrella Satellite is orbiting over the planet, meaning it's going to track Naruto and his mother. Can they both overthrow Umbrella, or not?

Here is the final chapter of Son of Alice Apocalypse. I hope you all loved this story. Next one will be the ending and cast. Let me know what you all think. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.            

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