Chapter 9: Phone call, and a deal

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Naruto, Alice, Rain, Jill, Rebecca, Richard, Brad, Peyton, and Terri continue walking through the city, trying to think of a plan to escape while avoiding the undead. Jill looks at Naruto, Alice, and Rain. 

Jill: Those were pretty slick moves back there. I'm good, but I'm not that good. 

Naruto: (Looks at her) You should be thankful for that.

Jill: What do you mean? 

Alice: (Stops walking, looks at her) They did something to us. My son and I, along with Rain. We barely feel human anymore. 

Jill looks at them with a look. Then, a phone by them rings. They all look at it. 

Alice: We should keep moving. Before the sound attracts anything. 

They all continue walking as the phone rings. They walk by a building where more phone booths are at. Another phone rings. 

Alice: Keep moving. 

Rain looks at the screen on the booth, and sees nothing but static. As they walk by another booth, the phone rings again. Alice, having enough of the ringing, walks up to the booth, and answers the phone. 

Alice: Hello?

Dr. Ashford on phone: Gosh, I thought you'd never answer. 

Alice: Who is this?

Dr. Ashford on phone: I can get you out of the city. All nine of you. 

Jill then points out to something. They all look, and they spot a moving camera, meaning the person on the phone is watching them. 

Dr. Ashford on phone: But first we have to come to an arrangement. Are you ready to make a deal? 

Alice: Do we have a choice?

Dr. Ashford on phone: Not if you want to live beyond tonight, no. 

A few minutes later, the group then takes shelter in a bus. They all talk about the man on the phone as Terri records the whole thing on her camera. Naruto also has his toys out, and plays with them for a little bit. 

Jill: So his name is Dr. Ashford, and he--

Alice: Runs the advanced genetics and viral research division of the Umbrella Corporation. 

Rebecca: But what does he want with us? What kind of deal was he talking about?

Alice: His son, Adam, and his daughter, Angela, are trapped within the city. Umbrella was supposed to evac them, but they didn't make it. They're hiding out in her school. 

Richard: So, you're saying...

Naruto: Yeah. We find them, he'll help us escape the perimeter, and away from Umbrella. 

Peyton: No freaking deal. We find the building with the thickest walls, the strongest doors, and we barricade ourselves in. Sit tight, wait for help. 

Rain: (Shakes his head) There won't be any help. (Sighs) Umbrella knows they can't contain the infection in the city. So at sunrise this morning, Raccoon City will be completely sanitized. (Cocks her shotgun) 

Terri: What do you mean by "Sanitized"? 

Alice: A precision tactical nuclear device. 

Jill: What yield? 

Alice: Five kilotons. 

Jill: (Coughs, scoffs) Crud me. 

Peyton: Stupid. 

Brad: But that's crazy. They can't just destroy the city. Not while survivors are over here, trying to stay alive. 

Terri: But what does that mean?

Naruto: It means it'll destroy the infection and all evidence of it. (Looks at Brad) And yes, they can. They can't have any witnesses. 

Everything is all quiet for a moment. Terri looks at Jill, who is smoking. Rebecca is really pale to hear all of this. She tries to slow her breathing. 

Peyton: It's bullcrap. It's bullcrap! No freaking way would they get away with that! It would be all over the freaking news!

Terri: Cover-up. 

Rain: Cover-up's already prepared. A meltdown at the nuclear power plant. 

Terri: A tragic accident. 

Naruto: And the people that got out still believe that cannibals are the caused of the disaster in the city. 

Peyton: Not even Umbrella is capable of this. 

Jill: (Looks at him) Not capable? Peyton, you were there at the bridge. You know exactly how far Umbrella will go. 

Peyton looks at her, and he grabs the bar to help himself up. Alice and Naruto looks at him as Jill and Richard help him stand. 

Peyton: So, what do we do now, huh? 

Alice: I think we should be out of here by sunrise. 

Naruto: Yeah. We need to go with the deal. We head to the school, get his kids, and he'll help us get out of here. 

Rebecca: He's right. Let's do it. 

Brad: Rebecca?

Rebecca: Guys, we need to do it. I don't wanna get eaten, and I also don't want to get blown to bits. We have to do this. 

They all look at Naruto, who smiles as he looks at his toys. He opens up his backpack, and puts them in it. They all get up, and walk off the bus, and start to make their way to the school. Can they make it there without getting killed?

Sorry for the long wait. Been working on new stories, and at my job. Sorry that this is too short. I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and review and comment for it. Also vote for it too.      

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