Just Like 2013

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Just Like 2013
Christopher S. Alonzo
July 25, 2018

The wind howls all night,
Floods of fearful height;
The doors are shut tight,
We are stuck inside;
We fear for high tide,
There is nowhere else to hide -

Do you remember this scene?
Just like twenty thirteen.

Cold bodies, shaking all over,
More than eight hours under water;
We have no choice but to endure,
Current flows, trash, and manure;
The stench of the vile brown fluid,
Dangerous sickness once ingested;

Do you remember this scene?
Just like twenty thirteen.

We watched hopelessly as that "great robber"
Reduce our house from a home, to a litter;
We cannot stop her, she took it all!
With nothing to spare, not even a furniture;
They all float around, into the wreck
We could only wail helplessly, "what the heck!"

Do you remember this scene?
Just like twenty thirteen.

Furniture, appliances, electronic equipment,
Books, photographs, important documents,
We watch in awe, anguish, and anger
As the water goes high, and so not consider,
The value of each things, the immeasurable sentiments,
That we built through the years, blood, sweat and tears -

Do you remember this scene?
Just like twenty thirteen.

The futile cries of the washed out dogs,
The desperate wails of the troubled neighbors,
They screamed for help with no one there...
We hoped for help that goes nowhere!
With neither clean clothes, nor food, nor [potable] water,
To salve our hearts, to quench our thirst, to quell out hunger...

Do you remember this scene?
Just like twenty thirteen.

Within earshot, by the window pane,
Though shut, we could hear the rain -
And the thousand violent collisions
Of the trees on roofs, logs, debris banging on the walls;
In anticipation we waited for utter destruction...
"Father God spare us! We need thy protection!"

Do you remember this scene?
Just like twenty thirteen.

Devastation all around,
Mud, four feet from the ground;
Pile of garbage all abound,
Enless sorrows with no bounds.

Impassable streets,
People's hearts bleed;
Dead dogs and cats,
Sickness from the rats.

Families packed like sardines,
In schools, they're evacuees;
Markets do not sell,
It's all abandoned hell!

Water and power outages,
And more delayed wages;
Series of unfortunate events,
In multiple stages!

We struggle until now,
Even though we don't know how;
Away from this scene,
This year twenty eighteen.

We remember this scene,
As clear as the night that has been,
We are now in this scene,
Just like twenty thirteen.

Mga Bungang Isip ni Christopher ZoloanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon