Not quite unexpected, but why the heck...?

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Not quite unexpected, but why the heck...?

    Here I am again with one of my run-ons. I have been posting all kinds of notes here incuding lyrics of all sorts, commentaries & some unfinished essays, including a story that has been finished yet, but I keep posting even so.

    Well, I'd say anything that I could think of.
    There's this matter that I have known quite recently & it seems something common during these topsy-turvy times when anything could happen in a flash & all you could feel is regret or feel sorry about it. I could have just dismiss it as a story of everyday passing, but tonight that my mind is relaxed, it now troubles me.

    I have this former overaged pupil who's now in high school. She graduated elementary just this March. For an elementary pupil she's really quite advanced in age, about 17 when she graduated, & she is one that doesn't show any promise academically. Let me keep conceal her real name & call her here as Reine. Reine has remained quite a long time in Elementary school because she kept failing academically. She's basically a non-performer in activities & passes her exams just by means of mercy. She's one of those regular girls who doesn't shine even by means of beauty, though some could have commented that she has quite a bit of it.
    Reine could be pictured as strangely shy, complains constantly of different body disorders, pluffy in built, inactive, & shifts mood quite frequently. It's a sort of running joke she has a crush on one of her male teachers, & that was me. During that time I dismissed as children's love play infatuation sort of things & doesn't take it seriously, though I tried to exploit the matter & turn the pupil to positive sides by converting such emotions to inspiration. The idea helped though & she dramatically improved a bit in academics, though it seems very faint.

    But just recently, I heard her classmates & friends reporting to me about the following: she has for many occassions been seen with different guys who were all rumored to be her boyfriends, boys without fine manners, in all sort of times until night; and, she is now pregnant. The man who is the cause of the supposed pregnancy is confirmed to be her older brother's gang friend (kabarkada), who, after taking the virginity of the girl & knowing of the pregnancy, went home to the Visayas.

    It's not quite unexpected, I reasoned out, though there's still remorse on my part, like everybody else should be feeling, for Reine. Though why the heck should it happen to such a soul I could never quite figure out. These are indeed evil days.

    I'm thinking, how many girls should go the same way she did & have their souls broken? Very awful to think of...

August 23, 2011

Mga Bungang Isip ni Christopher ZoloanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon