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Thank you @Mrmustachioman for commenting an idea for me to do. I'm going to give my all in this and hope you love it. Thanks again for commenting an idea.
                                                              ~Mika's pov~

     Me and Yuu-chan just got home from picking up the child we adopted from an orphanage. Yuu-chan has this big shit ass smile on his face that just screams 'I'm so happy I could kiss someone'. I ended up getting a rough kiss on the cheek which hurts now. Yuu-chan has already told me , what feels like ten thousand times, that I'm going to be a great 'mom'. If you can't tell by that statement in our relationship he tops me. I'm happy as well I just don't show it by smashing kisses on my partner and slapping their ass. (Happy Yuu= sexual Yuu, in this I guess.) "Yuu-chan, why don't you go get Michi-chan out the cars for christs sake?" I deadpanned, as I watched him curse himself and run to our car.
    I love him but he can be an idiot. "Oh shit, we don't even know how to be good parents." I said while silently cursing myself mentally. Yuu-chan came back into the house with our new son Michiro holding onto his hand. It was cute but I was still nervous to the fact we have no idea how to raise a child. While I was spacing Yuu-chan walked up behind me and softly kissed the back of my neck. I frowned "Yuu, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be doing this infront of innocent eyes..." I whispered to Yuu. I heard him chuckle deeply , which is kinda a turn on for me, "Mika, you aren't innocent anymore. Thanks to me that is.~" he whispered softly into me ear. "Yuichiro, I swear to f-furries. You know who the innocent one is..." I spoke putting a little edge to my tone as I held my hand out at Michiro, whom was sitting on the couch...snuggling with my jacket.
    I sighed as I made my way to the couch with a pouting Yuichiro following behind. I put on my best fake smile while Yuu smiled like an idiot. I sat down and pulled Michiro onto my lap. He perked up and buried his head in my chest giving a soft giggle. I smiled a real smile as I held him closer. Yuu wrapped his arms around me pulling me onto his lap. Michiro looked up at me as he giggled softly, he hugged me tight "Mommy!" he chimed as I gently stroked his soft fluffy raven hair like I would do when Yuu stressed out over something, I heard Yuu chuckle "I told you Mika. You're gonna be a great mom." he said smirking slightly. I whispered to Yuu softly "I'm only doing what I know best. I have no clue what to do in general. I'm just doing what I do when I try and calm you down.".
                                                            ~Yuu's pov~

       As soon as Mika said that it clicked in my mind that we have zero knowledge on how to take care kids. I started to panic as Mika started stroking both me and Michiro's hair. He knows how to do so much yet he doesn't know how to take care of a kid. Sheesh, maybe this will be harder that my dick when Mika moans. (Wtf did I just write?) I could feel myself calming down as I heard soft snores. I noticed the noise was coming from our son, I guess he fell asleep in Mika's chest. Mika kissed the side of my head as he picked Michiro up then carried him to our room I'm guessing. Seeing as his room isn't fully ready yet. That leaves me on fixing up Michiro's room.

---time skip:one week later---

      Me and Mika were watching some horror movie. We finally have some relaxing time today. Michiro fell asleep in his room so we took this time to relax and watch the movie I took Mika to see when we started dating. Now that I think back to that date it was so cheesy to take him to a horror movie. I mean the whole date gets scared and holds onto the stronger one thing worked. Mika wouldn't let go of me the whole night, and here we are now. Our son asleep up stairs and Mika asleep his face buried in my chest. Leaving me to only one awake in this house. I love my husband and my new son. We're still figuring out this parenting thing ,but I think we're doing great.

Well how was that. It was a little tricky to write but I think I did good writing it. What did y'all think? Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!

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