~demon and angel~

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Thank you @v4flower-chan for giving me the plot idea for this. I'll try my best and hope you enjoy it. Thank you once again! ^^
                                                     ~3rd person pov~

     An angel with fluffy blond locks sat on the edge of a roof. He closed his eyes and spread his wings ever so slightly just to feel the breeze flow through them. He soon felt hands run through his wings. The hands belonged to his boyfriend, a demon, by the name of Yuichiro. "Yes Yuu-chan?" He spoke his voice soft as silk. The demon sat next to him "Really Mika, you already knew it was me?" he asked his voice filled with wonder. Mika sighed "Yes I knew it was you. I can sense when my boyfriend is near." he said laying his head on the demons lap. Yuu rolled his eyes and soon began playing with Mika's hair. Their love was pretty much forbidden but they made it work. Yuu him being a demon he had a short temper which Mika found out the hard way by not doing as Yuu asked. Mika on the other hand was gentle and sweet, he hardly hurt anyone or anything.
     The phrase opposites attract was true between these two. Yuu was always sure not to hurt the sweet angel that would clinge to him when they were together. While Mika made sure not to anger Yuichiro and when he was angered he tried his best to calm the raging demon. The two found an abandoned house which they soon made their home so they could live together. Mika drew small circles with his fingertip on Yuu's leg. Yuu didn't seem to mind as he continued to play with the blond's hair. Yuu looked out in search of anything that could harm his beloved angel. He had sworn to himself that he would protect Mika even if it meant harming someone. Yuu was a demon but he was overprotective of the blond angel named Mikaela that was laying on his lap.
       Mika on the other hand just wanted to make Yuichiro feel happy and loved. Of course Yuu had his moments when the only thing that would make him happy was to have his way with Mika's body. Which would lead to Mika not wanting to leave the bed the next day, mainly because he couldn't feel his legs. Mika was the uke in their relationship, while Yuu was the seme. Mainly due to Yuu being able to over power Mika and having him submit to him, which would lead to them having sex. Mika didn't mind though he just wanted Yuu to be happy and calm. Because an angry demon was one thing no one wanted to deal with. It would lead to Mika locking himself in their bedroom in fear of what Yuu would do while on a rampage. But they made it work. They may have a few bumps in the road but they still love each other and like most couples cuddle on the couch or bed.
      Yuu heard soft snores coming from the blond, meaning that he fell asleep. He smiled softly as he picked up the blond. Mika wrapped his wings around his body as he cuddled close to Yuu's chest. Yuu spread out his black feathered wings and flew off the roof to their front door. He quietly opened it to reveal their living room which contained a light blue sofa, a coffee table, and a T.V connected to the wall. Yuu carried Mika to their bedroom in which they shared. As he gently laid Mika down he felt a smaller hand grab his own. "Yuu-chan will you stay and hold me close?" Mika asked in a soft whisper. Yuu quickly laid next to Mika and pulled him close to his chest letting one wing cover Mika. "Forever and always..." Yuu whispered back giving Mika a soft kiss on his forehead. Mika looked up at Yuu with bright blue eyes "Can I have a kiss on the lips?" He asked batting his long eye lashes. Yuu quickly claimed Mika's lips with his own pulling him closer.
        Mika jolted and kissed Yuu back as he felt Yuu's fangs gently graze his bottom lip. (Yep I gave Yuichiro fangs. Deal with it.) Mika opened his mouth knowing what Yuu wants. Yuu quickly slipped his tongue into Mika's mouth and moaned softly at the taste of his lover. Yuu pulled Mika up onto his lap as he rested onto his back, fully enclosing his wings around Mika. Mika leant down feeling himself being enclosed. He slowly pulled away as a string of saliva connected between the two. (I can't leave one story innocent anymore can I?) Yuu looked at Mika with hungry eyes "Mmmmm Mika you taste so sweet~" he said looking up at his lover. Mika blushed "I'm tired Yuu-chan. Can we snuggle?" He asked hiding his features in the demons chest. Yuu huffed "I guess. But it won't stop me later when you've had enough rest~" he said kissing the top of Mika's head softly. The two lovers soon fell asleep with their wings wrapped around each other for warmth.
Well that turned out that way. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment. And continue reading the oneshots when they roll in!

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