~Truth or Dare~

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@animetoastbestgirl thanks you for another plot idea. I hope you enjoy!

       "Why do we have to be here Yuu-chan?" Mika complained as he leaned against Yuu. Yuu sighed and wrapped his arm around Mika's small waist "Because, Shinoa invited us over. And she's our friend.". You see Yuu got a call at 2:30 in the morning from Shinoa begging them to come over for game night. Mika didn't want to go but Yuu begged him to go and was literally dragged out of their house. Yuu knocked on the door as yelling was heard on the other side. Shinoa swung the door open "Come in!" She said pulling Yuu inside, which caused Yuu to drag Mika inside. The rest of the group was already there and sitting on the floor.
The three teens sat down and got comfortable. Shinoa sat next to her girlfriend Mitsuba while Mika sat in Yuu's lap. Yoichi was cuddled against Kimizuki as he played with the brown haired males hair. Yuu rested his head on Mika's shoulder and gently blew cold air on his neck. Mika shivered and rubbed his cheek against Yuu's head. Shinoa smirked "All right kiddos, we're playing truth or dare tonight!" she beamed. The four males all groaned knowing that Shinoa makes truth or dare dirty.
        "I'll go first babies!" She said as she smirked at them. The males all looked at each other in fear. Shinoa looked at Yuu "Yuu-san, truth or dare~" she giggled. Yuu groaned "Dare I guess..." he said against Mika's neck as he went back to kissing the blond's neck. Shinoa giggled "I dare you to do the pocky challenge with Mika-san~". Mika blushed at the dare that Yuu was given. Shinoa tossed the raven haired male a box of chocolate pocky's. (Seeing as Pocky has a lot of flavors!)
     Yuu opened the box and pulled out a pocky "Look at me my blond angel". Mika turned to face Yuu as Yuu popped a pocky in his mouth. Yuu put the other end in his mouth and slowly began to eat it. Mika stayed still as Yuu drew closer to him. Yuu reacher the blond's lips and caught them in a hungry kiss. Mika moaned softly and kissed his raven haired boyfriend back. The two slowly pulled away and looked at each other lovingly. Yuu smirked at the male in front of him and pecked the males lips. Mika blushed brighter and hid in Yuu's chest.
Welp that took forever...sorry for the wait. School started back up and I've been busy with so much. I remembered the oneshot but I never had time. Sorry if it wasn't as good as the others :/ thanks for reading. Remember that if you have a oneshot idea tell me and I'll get it written at some point.

Comment & continue reading!🌸

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